Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

White Dress

I try to open my eyes but they are firmly shut.

What the..

I bring my hands up to my face. Sitting upright I rub my eyes which I found, were sticky with tears.

Looking around I see Hoodie's sheets ruffled. Where is he? I think, as a small pit of worry builds up in my stomach. I take in a deep breath, I don't need to worry about him, he can take care of himself. Pushing my feelings away, I check for all of my weapons. Everything is in place. Good. I try to busy myself by helping a seven legged spider up a wall, but I become bored quickly. Slowly, I slide a dagger out of my belt loop and twirl it in my fingers carelessly. For a while I just hold onto the handle and then the blade itself, cutting my hand slightly. Blood trickles onto the blade and I just stare, the pain... The physical pain could not match the mental I went through everyday since I lost my family. I make the dagger go deeper, slowly, painful ,until a scuff of a shoe snaps me back to reality and out of my phase. Immediately, I throw my dagger at the figure, I hear a deep moan and the thump of a body hitting the ground. Carefully, I slip out into the hallway to see Hoodie on the ground a plastic bag with food in one hand and the other taking a- no MY dagger out of his chest. Eyes wide , I rush to his side. "Holy shit, Hoodie, I didn't mean.. I-I didn't know.." I trail off, what was I suppose to say? 'Hey sorry I stabbed you in the chest but thanks for the food.' I stare at Hoodie and hold his head in my lap. A deep moan comes from his chest and he sits up.

"Damn girl, I just went to get you some food." He grumbles.

"T-thanks.. not to be rude, but arn't you suppose to be dead or something?" I say in disbelief.

Chuckling he and stands up he holds out his hand for me to take.

"You really know nothing about me."

While grabbing my bloody dagger I take his hand and stand up. We walk into the bedroom and plop down on his bed and dump the contents of the plastic bag out. A banana, cookies, water, and meat. I eye the food hungrily. My stomach rumbles, and I ache for the food in front of me. I look up to see Hoodie's burning gaze. "Eat." He says his voice flat. "But-" I start to object but I am quickly cut off.

"I don't eat Human food.. on rare occasions I will.." He explains quickly. Immeaditlty, I take the bannana and scarf it down. Blood trickles onto the peel and Hoodie notices. "What happened?'' He questions me. "Got hurt." I reply quickly before munching on a cookie. He nods and dismisses the subject without any other objections. After I eat my fill I take off my dress and roll my shoulders underneath my sweatshirt. I feel his burning gaze in my back as I run my fingers through my knotted hair. I turn my head and see his head turn around, pretending he wasn't staring.

Now it's my turn to stare. He notices very quickly and I can't help but let a smile tug at the corner of my lips. "What are you looking at?" He asks. "You, apparently.. You were staring at me too." My gaze flickers to the tips of his ears which peak behind the mask turn a bright red.

"You can ask me questions.. I don't bite." I smile lightly hoping to break the tension.

"But you do stab.." He points out with laughter in his voice. Then he pauses, and continues.

"Why did you come back.." He asks evenly, then adds more slowly. "You know you could have gotten yourself killed. Why would you flirt with death."

I pause for a moment; thinking. Why DID I come back, for him, or for the fact I had nothing else to lose.

I reply slowly and thoughtfully.

"Well, I have nothing to lose.. not anymore."

It was true.

My parents are dead.

My sister is dead.

I have nothing to live for, not anymore.

Now it was my turn to ask. "Why didn't you kill me. You've had many chances.." I ask calmly but the question has been burning in my mind every since he saved my life at this hospital months ago.

His answer like mine, is slow and thoughtful. "You seemed.. different. Like you weren't lost or helpless.. you wer-are strong." He tilted his head downwards. I caught a glimpse at his light tan skin before processing what he said

He thinks I'm strong.

Slowly, I smile.

My legs buckle beneath me as I sink into my make-shift bed.

I'm strong.

I'm Strong.

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