Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

White Dress

"Zoe.." My sister starts to speak. "You're suppose to be DEAD!!" I spit out the last word as if it's poison.

"I know I know-" She takes a step forward and I take a step back. "Er- Me and Jack will be back in an hour.." Hoodie hurries out of the room and is followed by Jack as they run out of the hospital.

"No you don't understand.." I mutter quietly. A stream of tears flow steadily down my face. "You don't understand! Everyday I thought you were dead! I was alone! You knew you wern't dead" 

"Zoe please just lis-"  "No! You listen to me! Just this once!" I surpise myself and my sister by the pain in m face. "You knew I was a Proxy! You knew I was diffrent, Mom and dad probley knew too.." My face is twisted in pain.. as well as my sisters. I look away. "I thought you trusted me.. we never kept secrets from each other.. I thought you were my Friend!" My sister flinches when I finish, my voice hoarse with pain.  My sister pauses for a moment, wiping silent tears from her cheeks. "We kept the secret from you because.. because we thought you'd be safer that way.." She breaks the silence. She waits for me to object but I stay silent. "I'm listening." I say bleakly and lean against a door and blink. Inhaling deeply Kat leans against the wall across of me. "We never meant to hurt you.. we thought it was for the best.. the only reason I knew was because I snuck into the living room while they were talking about.. Also, about the suitors.. I fell in love with one, but I left him because I knew you didn't like him.. at all.. I gave him up for you" My eyes flicker with the memory but She waits for a bigger reaction but I give her no more. "And, when I 'died' I didn't think.. of how it would effect you.. After, Offender-man took me.. Slender-man found me, and saved my life.. he put me in a small hut far away from here, and gave me powers to defend myself. Though I've just figured out the second one, a couple hours ago. After that I kept looking for you, day after day.. then, when E.J found me.. mentioned a white dress.. I knew he was talking about you.. I understand that you may not love me.. but please just understand, understand what I did to be with you." 

I stare at my sister, her eyes pleading and outlined by dark circles of no sleep. Her hands are shaking slightly. After a few moments her eyes almost pop out of her head, she takes a shaky breath and pulls something out of her hoodie, from which I haven't noticed before. "Mr.Peanut..?"  Kat nods with a small grin, "I-I know your a lot older b-but it still has sentimental value." She sticks out her arm holding a scraggly, kinda burnt, cheese-puff smelling, Mr.Peanut. I grab it slowly and I can't help but let a few tears fall. This is the only thing that didn't lie to me, didn't hurt me.. I back into the room and slam the door in my sister's face as she tries to say something else. I lock the door and slump onto Hoodie's bed on the verge of tears. An hour passes and Hoodie sits on the edge of the bed, mask and gloves off. He brushes a strand of hair from my face. "Why couldn't I kill you.. Why do I love you.." Hoodie whispers as I'm fast asleep, thinking it's all a dream. He kisses my cheek which makes me conscious but only for a moment. "Please,don't be angry.." He murmurs before sleep washes over me once more. 

too many secrets.. too many lies..


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