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I walked steadily, his hand in mine. "So recapping on all the recent events.." He started off, kicking small rocks along the dirt road. I nodded, to show that I was listening. It's been three weeks since the whole 'Zalgo incident' happened. Slendorman said I had less then three percent of survival at least that's what Kat said when I woke up. Too much mental and phsical issues. I just strugged my shoulders as she told me the news and asked if Cody and I could go on a walk. Snapping back to the present I pick up on the conversation. "Zoe?" His eyes drift over to me, looking worried. I gave him a smile and squeezed his hand. "I'm fine." I spoke with lightness but everything still seemed unreal like it never happened. Hoodie looked like he didn't believe me, but just looked forward and continued talking. "So your sister is a vampire?" I tense at the word vampire. "I don't like that word.." I spoke softly an curled my free hand into a fist. Hoodie went to go and run his fingers through his hair but knocked off his mask. "Oops." He muttered and slipped his hand out of mine, reaching down to pick up his mask. "Then what do you want to call her.." He asked innocently, trying to entwine our fingers once more. I pull my hand away from him and look at my shoes. "We call her Kathrine. Like we've always have. Just because she's different doesn't mean she's a monster." I could tell he looked slightly distraught. "I would think of all people you would know that." I replied bitterly and started to walk faster.


I felt his rough hand against my arm. His sea-green eyes are filled with worry, sadness, and confusion. "I don't get it, we defeated this guy that was basically haunting your family even before you were born. Then you defeated him, and your all mopy dopy. Why?" I flare my nostrils and and go on my tip toes, and kiss his cheek. "Us women are crazy aren't we." I saw with a small, shy smile. My stomach churned, not knowing how he'd respond. He rolled his eyes and flicked my nose. "Werido." He looked down at me and put his hands against my cheek, and I let myself lean into his hand. Honestly, I don't know myself why I acted out. Maybe because of haunting memories or because I'm a still a teenager. That's when he said it- "I love you." I felt myself smile uncontrbly, I brought myself and rested my hand on his long scar. My lips brushing against his.

"I love you, too."

- - -


"Kat?" I looked up from my game with Ben and he hoots as he finds my character and kills him. "Dammit." I hissed and paused the game. "What's up?" I stoop up and entwertwined my fingers with EJ's a smile playing on my lips. "Come on, I want to show you something." Ben complained about how'd he have to start the game over but I didn't hear the rest of his complaints as EJ guided me to a room, the only one with a balcony. "Isn't this Sally's room?" EJ shook his head and put his slender fingers around my waist. I lean into him and look out at the shady forest and setting sun. "What's going on?" I ask again, looking up at his masked face. His grip tightened on my waist and I flinched. "Jack.." I start to get nervous, at his silence and strength. "Keep talking... I like hearing your voice." He whispered harshly, his voice cracked and his body was tense. I turn around to face him. "What's going on, Jack."

"It doesn't matter.." He said with a slight laughter. Terror gripped my body. My world started to disappear into nothingness, and I realize with a start that I was dreaming. I kicked off my sheets and saw EJ standing in the doorway. "H-hey.." I say, a bit confused and disoriented. He walked over to my bed in two strides. "Are you okay?" He asks, in his usual deep voice. I blinked trying to focus on EJ and his words. "Y-Yea, it was just a dream.." I mumbled. "Hey." He lifted my chin so my eyes could meet his dark holes. "You don't have your mask on.." I exclaim softly and my eyes skitter around the room, but they stopped when he spoke again. "I don't need it," he murmured, leaning in our lips brushing.

"Not when I'm with you, my Vampire queen."

- - -


I swung my legs back and forth, the wind pushing my hair back and forth.

I can't help but giggle as I see my sister struggle with the swing. As I swung higher and higher I realized where Kathrine brought me.

Richrock Park.

"Hey." I spoke softly but it got my sister attention. "Yea what's up." She asks stoping the swing and looking up at me. "Why'd you bring me here?" She shrugged and looked around "Well this is where it all began, right? I mean. This is a memorable place-and we've not talked much sense you came too.. So I just thought we could spend some sister time together." I nodded in agreement. "Kat?" I could still feel her eyes burn into my back but I ask anyways. "Why did Zalgo say I'm a-demon..." I looked up at her distraught face. "Zoe.." I know what's coming, 'Zoe, he was lying. I think that you imagined it while you were sleeping..' And I didn't want to hear it anymore. No lies or soft blows.

I wanted the truth.

I jumped off the swing and curled my fingers into a fist. "I'm not a little girl anymore!" Kat slid off the swing and walked towards me. "Zoe. You are part demon. Just like I'm a night-seeker.." I just shook my head. "But we're sisters! If I'm demon then you should be too! And if your a night-whatever then I should be too!" Kat tensed and sighed. "I really don't know how to explain it Zoe." She stepped closer and pulled me into an embrace.

"All I know is that we will never be pureblood human. I don't think anybody is. Everyone has a little piece of demon cooped up inside themselves, some people just have bigger pieces then others. Some people cope with it better it all just deponds.."

I let out a small exhale and tightened my grip around my sister.

"So what your telling me, I'm not at all human?" She let out a small-short laugh.

"No, Zoe neither am I or Sally or Jane. EJ or Hoodie. I would say-"

"We're almost human."

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