Chapter 4: Freedom at last?

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Ok, imagine that the teens are in their RTTE ages and their outfits are the same.

This jumps three years gap...


We flew through the sky, and I felt free. No more of torturing for me and I feel like I can do anything.

Toothless taught me how to speak in Dragonese, which is the language of Dragons and then we both learn that there is a reason of why there were raids every night.

"Astrid, do you ever miss Berk, your home? I know that you don't want to admit it."  The Night Fury said.

"Toothless, I really don't want to talk about it. You know that it pains me of mentioning that awful place."  I replied.

As the Night Fury was about to answer, he felt a pain through his tailfin.

"Buddy, are you all right?"  I asked, being concerned about my dragon.

"I think we're going to have a bumpy landing, brace yourself!"  The Night Fury told me.

I hold tightly on the Night Fury as we landed hard on the ground below.

I groaned as the Night Fury shakes the dirt off.

"You all right?"  I asked him.

"Yeah, that is not our best landing. Where are we?"  He asks.

The woods looked too familiar. It was something I never forget the last three years.

"Toothless.... I think we're in..."  I begin to say, but an axe flew besides us and nearly killed me!

What I saw when I turned to see who threw the axe, I couldn't believe my eyes.


I decided to get away from the village. It was the only way to forget the sadness of my heart of thinking about Astrid.

I practice my axe throwing as I normally do when I'm frustrated. Dad wanted me to go through the basics of being Chief, but I'm not that interested yet.

As I walked to where the axe went, I notice someone I never seen before. She was very beautiful and she seems like she was nervous about something.

When I came closer to her, her dragon twists his tail around her, like a shield and wants to protect his Rider.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The girl looked at me with curious looks, as if she knew me, but not sure if I was trustworthy.

"Call me... Valkyrie." She said.

"So, Valkyrie, what brings you to Berk?" I asked.

She bit her lip, "Well.... Toothless and I were just flying and we kind of landed here."

I looked at the Night Fury, "Is he all right?"

"Yeah, but I'm sure he'll be fine." Valkyrie replies, but then I noticed his tailfin.

"Uh, are you sure about that?" I asked, pointing towards the Night Fury' s tail.

She looks at it and then realizes, "This isn't good. I need to make a Peg tail for him to fly. You have to get me some supplies from your blacksmith shop."

"Wait, you want me to steal from the Blacksmith shop?!?" I asked in total shock.

"Is that a problem, boy?" She asks me.

  "Uh.. no! Not at all, Valkyrie. I'll bring it tonight." I promise her.

"You better." She said, as she and Toothless go into the Berkian Cove.


Of all the three years of my life, I never thought I would land in Berk.

Toothless drinks the water from the river as I walked nervous for Hiccup to return.

"So... that boy we met... was that Hiccup?"  Toothless asks me.

I said, "Yes. That is Hiccup Haddock, the boy I was telling you about. It seems weird of seeing him again after all these years."

The Night Fury rolls his eyes at me, "Astrid, come on. You were kids back then, you all grown up."  

I said, "I guess that you do have a point. So, I guess that we have stay here for a while before we find the Nest again. Who knows what she would do with those poor dragons who served her?"

The one that I was referring to was the Dragon Queen, or as I like to name it, "Red Death." She was the reason of the raids and it got me thinking of trying to kill it for the world of Dragons.

Toothless said, "I'm sure you'll think of something, Astrid. You always do. You make Inferno and your suit last month and it was incredible! We can do this together."

I smiled at him, "Thanks for cheering me up, bud. I really need that."

He smiled, "What are friends for?"


I can't believe of what Valkyrie was asking me to do. steal from Gobber's blacksmith shop is so terrifying and quite dangerous.

As I was about to walk into his shop, Fishlegs spots me.

"Hiya, Hic! What you up to?" He asks me.

I couldn't tell him that I was about to steal some supplies for a Rider.

"It's not your business to know!" I snapped.

He backs away slowly, "Ok, geez, I was just asking, you don't need to get mad at me."

I hate lying to the group. Ever since Astrid died, I was never the same person they wanted me to be.

I knew that Gobber wasn't in his shop mostly because my parents wanted him to try taking a bath, but he refused to, causing them to try to bathe him themselves.

I grabbed the materials that Valkyrie wanted and as I was about to leave, I noticed a door was wide open, like it was some sort of workspace.

Was it Astrid's? If it is, why would she kept it close where anyone couldn't see it?

I decided to check it out and I was in utter surprise of what I've seen.

The room was filled with sketches of inventions and it seems like Astrid was planning to use them but not ready to be seen.

I was amazed. Astrid was really an inventor and it seems like she kept it as a secret from the whole village.

I picked up one of the sketches and pulled it into one of my pockets for safekeeping.

I knew that I have to meet up with Valkyrie and Toothless.

I walked back to the Cove where Valkyrie notices my return.

"You returned with everything I asked for?" She asks me.

I nodded as I handed her the supplies she needed for Toothless's tailfin.

"I think I can handle things from here, boy." She said, looking at me.

I rolled my eyes, "I have a name you know. It's Hiccup."

"Ok... Hiccup. I really appreciated for your help. I will see you tomorrow morning." Valkyrie said.   

As I leave the duo, I was beginning to think about the night that Astrid died. Was I wrong for not standing up for her?

Author's note: What you guys think of this chapter? Find out what happens soon! - Jan

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