Chapter 19: Heart -to-Heart chat

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I couldn't bear it. I hopped on Stormfly and flew to the Cove, where Toothless and Valkyrie, I mean Astrid used to hide in.

The Nadder nudges me in comfort as I stare at the beautiful scenery of the Cove.

I thought I was alone with Stormfly, until I heard a dragon coming in.

At first, I thought it was Valkyrie.

"All right, Astrid, you caught me." I said, not turning around.

"Seriously, Hiccup, you really thought I was Astrid?" It wasn't Astrid's voice, but a familiar one.

I finally turned around to see not Astrid and Toothless, but it was Snoutlout and Hookfang!

I was stunned to see him.

"Snoutlout? What you and Hookfang doing here?" I asked the Rider.

"You seemed off and I knew that you need someone to talk to." He replies.


I never been to the Cove before. It seems kind of mysterious of why Hiccup would go here.

He was sitting in near the river and I knew that we need to have a friendly talk.

"You seemed off and I knew you need someone to talk to." I said to him.

We didn't say a thing for a while, then I broke the silence.

"Hic, what is this place?" I asked him.

He answers, "This is the Cove, where I first met Toothless and Astrid. And to tell you the honest truth, I didn't recognize her."

I said, surprised, "Really?!? Then you really meant what you said back there, you kept her secret."

He rubbed his head, "Well, when we met, she introduced herself as Valkyrie back then. She even let me ride Toothless for crying out loud! She made me promise not to tell anyone that she was alive or the fact that Valkyrie is the same person we used to bully. You know me better than the rest of the gang that I never break a promise. So I kept my mouth shut..." He didn't finish off what he was going to say, but I finished it for him.

"Until now. Wow, you really love her." I said.

"Snoutlout, she nearly died! I thought that I really lost her for good. These past three years... it really affected me." He said, scared.

"Hey, Astrid did it to protect us. I never believe that she was Valkyrie at first, but when you were concern about her... it showed me how much both of you had changed." I said, cheering him up.

I still see the scars of the whipping. Astrid must've stitched his back.

"Hiccup... you should've told us sooner. If you did-" I began to say, but he interrupts me.

"Even if I did tell you, would you ever believe me?!? Like when we first bullied her, you hated her. On the night that we tied her up in that pole... I wished that I turned back the clock. I should've stick up for her and tell her how I really think about her."

I knew he was right. We wouldn't believe him, but what can we do?

"Hey, let's go back. I'm sure that Astrid miss you. Besides, you two are a thing." I smirk at young rider.

He blushed in embarrassment as we flew back to the Great Hall.


I still see that my parents still staring at me.

"Mom. Dad." I said.

After three years, I imagined the reunion for so long that I couldn't wait any longer.

I run towards them, and embraced them with a tight hug.

I sobbed as Mom strokes my hair.

Dad said, "I couldn't believe it. You came back to us, Astrid."

Toothless said, "I'm glad that you told them about you being Valkyrie. I know how hard it was pretending to be someone else."

I smiled, "Yeah, but thanks to you, I can be myself."

Fishlegs asked, "Alright, I got to know, is this a goodbye celebration, or welcome to the gang celebration?"

I laughed at the bookworm, "It's not a goodbye celebration, Fishlegs. I'm staying."

He sighed in relief. "Whew. I really thought you were going to leave."

Ruffnut said, "Valkyrie, I mean, Astrid. Can you accept our apologies for bullying you?"

I smiled, "After everything has happened in three years, yeah."

Snoutlout and Hiccup returned with their dragons.

"Where did you guys go?" I asked them.

"We had a boy talk, right Hic?" Snoutlout said.

"Yeah, you don't need to be worried." Hic added.

"We still need to get used to the name, "Valkyrie. It'll take some time." Hiccup said to the group.

We laughed as we stayed up all night in the Great hall.

Author's note: What you guys think of this Chapter? Find out what happens soon! - Jan

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