Chapter 17: Where's Valkyrie?

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The explosion caused a thick fog and I was so concerned about Astrid and Toothless.

"Valkyrie! Toothless!" I cried, looking for the Rider and dragon.

Dad said, "Don't you worry, son. We'll find them."

We searched until Dad noticed an familiar sight.

"Hiccup, over here!"

He run to see Toothless laying on the ground, mostly from the fire explosion.

"No..." I said, as the gang and the villagers run towards me and the Dragon.

I can't lose Astrid again, not for real! It's been three years and I can't bear it.


The Night Fury, Toothless was hurt, all because of me.

I was a fool. I see the tail was burned off, also the saddle.

"I did this." I said, sadly that Valkyrie was gone.

Toothless opens his eyes and stare at me.

"Oh, Valkyrie, I'm so sorry." I apologized.

That's when Toothless opens his wings to reveal an unconious Rider.

"Oh, Valkyrie!" I gasped.

Hiccup heard her name and rushes to her side and listen to her heartbeat.

He smiles in happiness.

"She's alive! Toothless, you brought her alive!" He said.

The whole village cheered in delight as Hiccup touches Toothless.

"I'm so glad that you two were ok." He said.

Gobber said, pointing, "Well, most of her is ok."


When Gobber said, "Well, most of her is ok," I didn't look at her closely.

Then it hit me with a strike of reality.

Her left leg was badly burned, and there was no way that we can do save it.

Fishlegs asked, "Hiccup, what we do?"

That is when I carried Astrid, bridal style, "I'll take Valkyrie to Berk with Stormfly."

"But what about Toothless, he can't fly there, remember?" Snoutlout asks.

Felix suggested, "We still have some ships that weren't destroyed in the battle. We can use them to travel back to Berk. Hiccup, be safe with Valkyrie."

I nodded, "Don't worry about it, Felix, Valkyrie is tough girl. I know that she'll go through."

I hopped on Stormfly and when we landed, Mom was waiting and also the villagers were in total shock that I was ridding a dragon.

"Hiccup? You're ridding on a dragon?" Mom asks in total shock.

"I am, but right now, Valkyrie needs our help." I explained.

I gave her the brief details of the battle and the whole reason why Valkyrie was in Berk.

Mom said, "Valkyrie is strong and brave to take a battle against a massive dragon like the Red Death."

"Oh, she's more than that." I smirk, but inside, I felt guilty, keeping the fact that Valkyrie and Astrid is the same person.

"Ok, son, spill it out. You've kept Astrid as a secret for three years."

Wait, how did she...

"Mom... how did-"

"Son, I'm your mother. I see the way you were concerned about Astrid ever since she rescued you from the whipping. Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut until she's ready to reveal it."

I hugged her, "Thank you, but I caused enough trouble of keeping her secret, and I nearly lost her in the process. I love her."

She stroke my hair, "Astrid been alone for three years, Hic. She'll be fine, like you said she would."

I put Astrid in my bed so she could rest in.

I touched her hand, "You were great, Astrid. I hope you wake up soon."

Stormfly notices my concern about Astrid and together, we make Berk a better place for both Vikings and Dragons alike.

Stormfly and Toothless became best of friends and Stormfly taught me Dragonese like Astrid does with Toothless.

"You worried about her, aren't you?"  Stormfly asks me.

I nodded, "Yeah, she hasn't awoken up yet from her coma. I want to see how she reacts to seeing this."

Stormfly licks me, "You really don't have to worry about a thing, Hic. She'll be up before you know it."

I smiled at the Nadder, "You're right. There is nothing to worry about."

Author's note: What you think will happen next? Find out soon! - Jan

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