Chapter 2

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(Your POV)

An almost recognizable voice could be heard calling out of the phone. The one who could make me zone out, forgot everything and not be in my head for days, not concentrate and lose my capability of my stoic facade. The one who saved me from the torturous darkness called our 'world'. The one who sheltered me and saved me from myself. Watari.

He was calling me. How did he know I was alive? I covered that case up perfectly, didn't I? Did he know it was me? How was he calling me? All these questions were running through my head, i even forgot i was on the phone with this man?"

Miss [Y/a]? Are you still there?"


"Yes. I am here. What is the meaning of this phone call?" Trying not to loose my cool. He can't know i am alive. He can't know i am [Y/a]. Wait...If he did know, does L?

"I have sent you a letter, it shall arrive in 3...2...1."

Josh my assistant hurriedly walked in and dropped the letter right in front of my messy desk, which i prefer to call a creative mess. Although he doesn't seem to think so. Once the letter had fallen softly right in front of me, he almost ran out. Why was he so nervous?

Rather calmly i opened the letter using my clean knife that was placed on a plate besides my un-eaten cake. I scanned the letter. Holding it by the tip of my thumb and index finger. Three major phrases popped out to me. Kira case. We need your expertise. L.

That last one got me good. L. I haven't heard that alias since my 'death'. If i was going to work on this case he would discover that i am indeed alive. He would never forgive me. All these questions were running through my head. Rushing. Bashing into each other. Trying to find an organised route, but failing miserably. What am i going to do? That was the big question of the moment. Probably the biggest question of my life. Always thinking of that one since i left and faked my death.

"Ahem, Miss, have you decided?"

Shit. I forgot he was still here.

"...I...I will get back to you on this. Within the hour. Till then, goodbye Wata... Good sir." Great save there. Damn, i'm so stupid.

I still sat there crossed legged for half an hour, just staring at this damned case. It was the usual. Murder cases. My favorite. It wasn't that it was difficult. It wasn't. It was actually the complete opposite, simple really.But that phone call caused my whole world to just tip upside down. I finally got over all this dreaded guilt. And what do i get. This whole mess back into my life. Yay!

With this case, all the information was there, just looking right back at me. In some sort of puzzle. Near. Dammit. I felt the worse for leaving him. He has always been alone. No one to get close to. Apart from me. He was like a little brother. That all i wished for was to protect him from the darkness of this world. But i failed. Drastically. He is now just like me and L. Alone. Stoic.Isolated. Part of me was proud, because he had gotten so far in life. With his age it was a massive achievement. But he had no one to share his achievements with. Mello? No chance. Matt? Eh. Not really. Sure i could count on him to separate the fights. But Near always ended alone. Just like his best friend. Me. The number one thing i loved about him as his bluntness. He said things how they were. His last word to me were "If you can't solve the puzzle. You can't win the game. And if you can't win the game, you're just a loser!" I disappointed him. I failed him. I failed. The game. I can't hide out forever. I have to do my job. Whether i like it or not. I MUST WIN! So i fully concentrated on the case. After the well deserve epiphany. I decided to do this case.

After all the thinking, i decided. I have to do this. Whether i want to do it or not, there is no choice, i can't disappoint them any more than i have already. After this epiphany, i AM going to complete this case. I HAVE TO. Right in front of me laid the case. The Victim: Sally Johnson was babysitting on a Saturday night when exactly 9:42, the police were called by a distressed neighbor, John Stewart, because of some very disturbing noises. After 7 and a half minuets the police arrived, armed and all, when they entered they saw blood splattered on 2 walls where a body shape could be made out, signaling that she was cornered. These blood splatters came from the baby's bedroom, where sally and the baby,named Ezra, body's are still missing. As Ezra's parents seemed over-protective they ,conveniently,set up CCTV cameras all around the house. So i got a good look at the Murderer. They wore a zipped up hoodie, all in black, with combat boots, Dr Martins with bright yellow laces, and a black fabric mask covering their face, except from their eyes. They were piercing blue, that stared right into your soul. One look at the cameras. They ran out of the house with both bodies, sally's over his shoulder, and the un-conscious baby in his arms.

It was simple really i just looked at the witness reports one stuck out. It was perfect. Every piece of information was there all perfectly placed. His name was Taylor Trancy. His description fit the killer perfectly. 6'0". Well built, strong, strong enough to carry two bodies.His face looked very innocent, angelic even. Blonde hair that covered the tips of his ears. Thin arched eyebrows and piercing blue eyes. That were exactly the same. But now they looked dead even, like he had done some despicable things. They changed. Before they showed nothing but gave me the creeps now i pitied him. Not enough to let this go. I spoke to josh to get an arrest warrant. After some evidence was gathered. i remembered that damned phone call, and knew i couldn't avoid this issue any longer. So i wrote to him. I couldn't handle hearing his voice. It was just running through my head. So i quickly typed:


I have decided. Yes. Yes, i will join the Kira case. But I will keep my distance from L. I do not want any contact with him. Only through you or anybody on his team. I just think this is the best way to preserve both mine and L's identity. That way it will be safer. As well as yours, W.

I will bring my assistant Josh to a cafe, Heavenly Delights in Kanto region Japan. Yes, i have located your whereabouts, so i know you and Josh can definitely meet. Now here are my direct instructions.

Look for a younger looking man, mid twenties, who is wearing a large trench coat with a computer in his hands. I will in fact be able to hear and see you. Josh will then lead you to table 3. After 10 minutes, go through the door to your left. Its a private room where we can talk about this privately and openly.

See you then,

- [Y/a]

After it was sent, i hoped into bed where i haven't had sleep in 5 days. A well deserved sleep.

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