Chapter 14 💜part 1

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Silence was the only word to describe what it was like going through security to enter the HQ. Removing any gadgets, or metal items from our personal. As soon as we stepped through the those metal double doors, a piercing shrieking sound was heard. 

"[F/n], come upstairs with me and Light. Only for a bit. We want some alone time too."

"Misa, you do realize we have you under observation, so each member of the task Force will be watching you, at different times."

"COME ON!" She squealed excitedly in my ear.


"Man...this has got to be the lamest date I've ever been on." Misa complained.

"No. No. just pretend we're not here...right [F/n]?...Now, are you going to eat that piece of cake?"

"Cake makes you fat, I'm not to eat any."

"Actually I've found that you don't gain any weight as long as you burn the calories, by using your brain."

"Hmph...So now you're calling me stupid!"

"Yes." I answered.

"[F/n]." She whined. "I'll give you this piece this piece of cake if you leave both me and light ALONE! "

"Even if we were to leave you alone, we're both going to be watching surveillance camera." 

"So it wouldn't make any difference." I add.

"PERVERTS!" Misa screamed. "Can you stop it stop with your hobbies."

"You can call me whatever you like." He stated while grabbing the cake that was in front of Misa. 

"Well it's true." I muttered.

"Last time for cake." My and L's hands both met for the only last slice of cake left. I grab a fork and get a mouthful, leaving the remaining cake for him.

"Okay then...I'll just close the curtains and turn of the lights." Misa spoke.

"You know we have infrared cameras, as well." L phrased.

"Stupid!" I called.

Misa sulked like a child, when they don't get what they want. Pathetic.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! I thought moving here was supposed to help us catch Kira, since we've been here you don't seem that motivated to me."

"Motivated?..." L picked up a fork. "Actually i'm depressed."

"Depressed? What for?"

"Well...truthfully all this time, i thought that you were Kira, and that the entire case ended on that fact." He swallowed some of the cake. "I guess i just can't get past the fact that our deductions were wrong."

"Speak for yourself..." I stood up from besides Misa jumped on the table that was in the center of both sofa's. I leaned in towards Light, while crouching. Grabbed his shirt, making both Misa and L have a bitter look on their faces. L started glaring at Light's face as he ended up having a rather than afraid expression, a enjoyable, and lust filled face, this made the rage-filled look that was already on L's face to outburst, but before he could do anything i spoke.

"I still believe it. " I went close to light's ear. "In my eyes, you will always be...KIRA!" 

This action made Misa squeal and a shocked expression appeared on his face.



After that commotion, went down i headed downstairs to see the rest of the task force, looking upon the screen to see:

(Through the surveillance cameras)

"Although having said that, I'm still suspicious of you." He brought his right hand up, jangling the metal chains of the handcuffs, connecting them both. "That's why we're wearing these...And we also know that Kira can control peoples actions...Which means that it's highly likely that Kira is controlling your actions. Which is enough to suspect you." L explained. "If i assume that both you and Misa were being controlled by Kira, that makes everything we have observed so far make sense."

"If that's what you think, that means that Misa and I were both Kira during the time we were both being controlled." 

"Yes. I don't think i could have been wrong about that."

'WE' I thought.

"The two of you are Kira."

"Hmph." Both Light and Misa had that same noise emerge from their throats.

"If what i'm thinking is correct, when your confinement began both you where Kira, i don't believe it's coincidence that once you were imprisoned, all the killing stopped. Until then, everything pointed towards you being Kira...But after two weeks, criminals actually began dying again. Based on that evidence, i can only conclude that Kira's power passed between people."

 "That's an interesting idea, but if it's true it will be nearly impossible for us to catch Kira." Light commented.

" Yes. That's why i'm overwhelmed. Even if we catch someone under his control, they will likely loose their powers and memories of their crimes, so in the end perusing them becomes futile. "

"But at this point, we have no way of knowing if that's the case. Cheer up, would ya?"

"Cheer up?...No, i'm sorry, i can't. It's probably better if i stop trying so hard...By chasing Kira so desperately, we are just putting our lives at risk for nothing. Yes. It's just a waste of time."

'Seriously Ryuzaki'

Light then stood up.




(A/n:) This chapter is going to end up way too long, so i'm going to turn this into two parts. I will update them together like one chapter. I hope you enjoyed this. This chapter is practically the script for episode 18, 😂. anyways part 2 will show more you, and badassness.

Next time,

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