Chapter 20

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I walked away from the scene. Away from the woods as i saw it. A girl was running across the road, empty, thought he was in prison...Taylor Trancy (Criminal from earlier in the book) As soon as he zoomed past, i left the scene away from a random girl in the road, where nearby viewers came to check on her.

I need to go find..[f/n]...NO, [y/n]...I guess i can call her that now.

So i headed back to HQ, and i spoke to no one when i got in. Being greeted rather enthusiastically by Matsuda, and Light appeared besides me asking about the case. But i just hummed at him, not having the energy to speak to him or even look at his guilty face.


The entry way door that lead from Watari's office.

"L!" He exclaimed.

I nodded not looking at him in the eye.

He walked over towards me with haste.

He lent down so the members wouldn't hear.

"[Y/n] is being hospitalized at this very moment, there was a certain incident and she is...well you better see."

WHAT! Hospitalized....'That girl...who was covered in blood in the road was..[Y/n].'

My eyes revealed my emotions for once, they showed worry, fear, grief and sadness, as pools of salty tears formed in my eyes.


"Watari...You know that it was [Y/n] this entire time."

He nodded and exited the room. I followed him, exiting the HQ, to be lead into a black car. Blacked out windows.

(Time skip to car ride)

I ran up to the reception desk.

"Which room is patient [F/n] [F/l/n] in?"

"In room 511, sir."

I nodded my head to the young receptionist, and headed towards the lifts (elevator) where i stood surrounded by people also waiting. I just couldn't think straight.

Maybe if i hadn't reacted the way i did, she would be okay.

But she...HOW COULD SHE?!

She let me live years of my life thinking the woman i love so much, more than my self, my own safety, she lets me think she's dead! FOR TWO WHOLE YEARS!

And with that, disguise herself then let me fall in love with her...again!
...I just love her so much it hurts.

She shouldn't be forgiven, but she could die, so I have to at least try.

The lift (elevator) door opens and we pile in.

(Time skip to the correct floor)

As soon as the doors open, I sprinted down the corridor looking for her room.

'500' No.
'504' No.
'507' No.
'510' No.
'512' No...wait...No room 511.

As I carried down the corridor, only one significant thought was bouncing around my head.
[Y/n] where are you?

I walked to the end of the corridor until I found a sigh which displayed the rooms according to their units.
'511, 514, 515,516' all for Intensive Care.


I ran as fast as lightning until I found her room. Standing in front of the door...I lifted my hand up to knock hesitantly. My knuckles tapped on the or never.

My feet trailed inside and there she was; pale and an oxygen mask strapped around her face.

My footsteps went to a complete stop. Then I rushed to her bed. I stood. My head hanging down as the tears fell off my wet cheeks.

"Lawliet." My head shot up at the sound of Watari, turning my head towards him and for the first time in forever.

I broke down.

Unstoppable tears.
Unsolvable heart brake.
Unfathomable pain.

I just want my dear [Y/n] to okay again.
To be in my arms again.

Watari understood and exited the room, leaving me alone. So I gripped her limp hand, and attempted to speak.

"[Y/n]?" My cracking voice let out. I paused, hoping for an answer...But none. No sound only the beeping of the heart monitor.

Sitting down besides her on the crisp clean bed, I held her hand, and traced her jawline with my pointed finger, and put my forehead against her temples,

"I know you probably won't hear this as there is a 35% chance you won't, but there is also a 50% chance that once you do wake up that you will have amnesia, so I'm telling you this now.
Just know that nothing has ever stopped me loving you. I was just hurt, in the moment, I was in so much pain as I had just accepted the fact that I thought you were never coming back, that you were gone. Then I find you alive and that the new girl I had fallen, so hand for, is you" I sobbed out.

"Why [Y/n]? I need you. Now more than ever...Just wake up...Please, I'm begging you.


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