Chapter 4

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[Y/n] POV

(time skip brought to you by L's adorable smile)

...Okay...[Y/n]...Breathe. The two men who practically saved your life are going to walk through that door in exactly 10 minuets. You can do this. Just keep this wall up and you should be safe.

Josh just walked straight into the cafe. Ordered a [F/d] (favorite drink) and walked right to the back of the room, where table three is. Here it goes. He waits stood up for exactly two minuets, exactly as ordered. And sits down. That was the longest two minuets of my life. After it passes, he sat down at the booth, his back facing the door, to preserve his identity to some extent. This is risky. L is smart. Watari is smart. But L is better. If they haven't figured it out by now, they must be really bad at their job. He mustn't know. He can't find out at any costs. I'll do what it takes. I just don't want to break him again. Like i did that time ago. I have to keep my life a secret. It's the most i could do.

After those remaining 8 minuets have passed. The door smoothly opens, revealing two tall men. One in front, one slouching figure behind. They walked to the back of the room with such purpose, with much haste. They sat down beside each other. Well, if you could call it sitting. The older man sat normally but the other one, sat crouching. Odd. It was rather interesting. L hasn't changed at all.

Josh finally spoke, breaking the nerving silence.

"Watari? L?"

They both nodded in sync, and stared with a needing look in their eyes. Josh slowly opened the laptop to reveal my black screen, with my alias letter in the bottom left corner. I turned on my voice software (whatever you call it, the thing that changes your voice). I spoke monotonously,

"Greetings. I am [Y/a], you already know why i have decided to meet like this. So there is no reason to address this. So lets get straight to why we are all here today. The Kira case. Whom wishes to start...But first lets move this to a more private setting."

Josh, Watari and L all stood up and walked up to the room, with Josh leading. He unlocked the door speedily, turned the lights and sat the laptop down on the circular wooden table in the center of the room, with three moderately comfy chairs surrounding. L crouched by the table while Watari and Josh sat. Josh turned the laptop around giving me a good view of these two extraordinary men. But what i saw tore me apart.

Tears spilled down my face. These two men both looked like they had gone through hell and back. Watari as guessed was now aging visually. His hair was leaving his scalp. And L. Oh dear L. He looked dead. His face pale, with these great and mighty black bags pulling at his delicate skin. His once curiosity filled eyes were now dead. No life. No light. No purpose. Just dead. The grey orbs i had once loved to peer in as a child was now making me cry. It was the exact look that he had when my death was found out. All the hope has withered out of his life. And left him in this depressed state. I wanted to scream.( I know you are all dirty perverts, no not like that. but i thought that so does that me a perv. Who cares.) This was my fault. I did this to him. I have left him for two whole years. Alone and Isolated. At least he kept his oh so famous white T-shirt and baggy blue jeans. Unruly black mess of what he calls his hair, and his oh so terrible posture.

After turning my mic back on, i said, trying to act like i wasn't just crying. I did it...but badly and shakily.

"So, as i have gathered you, L, suspect Police Chief, Soichiro Yagami son, Light Yagami of being Kira. Is that correct? And if it is, why?"

"[y/a], i am 15% sure Light Yagami is Kira. The reasoning behind this deduction is that the times of the murders imply that Kira is indeed a student. Light is a student, an intelligent one at that. He is number 1 in Japan i believe. Also being a police Chiefs son, it allows him to have contact with confiscated documents. That could explain why Kira is always a step ahead of us."

"As expected L you never cease to disappoint me. I had the exact thoughts. I already knew of every piece of this, I just wanted to hear your reasoning. Your ways are defiantly interesting. Now josh, I am done here, for now. Until next time, i bid your farewell, Watari, L."

The call ended.

I sighed in relief. Glad that's over. I don't think i could have endured that any longer. Seeing him in that state. It was...i have no words. I just feel guilty, that i can't do anything to stop it.


Interesting. That's all J had to say? My ways are interesting? Hm. I can only wonder what [Y/a] meant by that. Who does [Y/a] suspect? Light? Someone who i haven't even suspected yet? Damn, this is hard. I have never worked with anyone anywhere near my abilities. They just seem so familiar. It's like meeting a pen pal. Or an old friend. I get the same exact feeling from [y/a]. WAIT! How did they know Watari's name is Watari? They must have done their research. Or. They are from Whammy's. No. It's not possible. I would know them, after all they are all my successors. Who is this [y/a]? This case doesn't near interest me as much as [Y/a] does. I wonder why that is.

"Watari, i want some cake."

"Of course, L. I must ask you, what do you think of [Y/a]?"

He is up to something.

"They knew things an ordinary person wouldn't."

"Well, [Y/a] is not a normal person, if you catch my drift."

"Yes i do Watari. To answer your question, i am intrigued by [Y/a]. There is something about [y/a], something almost...familiar."

After i had spoke, he nodded at me and went to go fetch me some cake. I glanced back at my screen and began working. I WILL CATCH YOU KIRA!

Watari's POV

Hm. L is so smart. yet he can't put together that [Y/a] is his supposedly dead best friend, [Y/n]. I went to my computer, to write [y/a] a quick email.


I have some news for you...lets meet up at the same place as today in that back room. In person. And don't worry L is not coming. I'll keep your secret from me. Besides you were always my favorite successor of L's. You have come quite a way, from being that scared little girl i knew you as. I hope you do agree to meet me.



Back room of Heavenly delights (or whatever i named that cafe)

In person, without Josh. I would really appreciate this.


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