Chapter 7

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(*) = thoughts


I opened my [E/c] eyes, revealing my desk.Dammit, i slept on the desk last night. Guess that's what i get for working late nights, again. My wooden desk was cluttered with papers upon papers. Okay, enough with this shit, i need to (shudders) clean. I cleared away my plates away, they may or not have contained cake. I grabbed another slice, when i heard a 'ping' escape from my computer. It was Watari.


How was yesterday with Near? I do hope nothing too tragic happened, because we know what happened last time you visited. (* Ha Ha Ha, very funny Watari, joking about a death that some still believe to be true. Guess he hasn't really changed*) I do hope you haven't been wasting your time, as we did ask you to help with this case. So i would like to know if you have been doing your job and what you have uncovered. It may help with L and the whole investigation with the Japanese Task force.


I replied straight away, no need to keep Watari waiting with information like this.


That visit with Near was good. Too good, almost like a dream. I got my little brother back. So that was good. I left him a letter like you suggested. 

So about the whole Kira case, as i am on the side-lines of this investigations i may be a little behind. But so far i have a gathered that he is in Kanto Region, obviously, Our main suspect is Light Yagami, but i have taken into account that whoever is around him at the time dies, like Raye Penber. I find his actions rather suspicious, as an intelligent kid i would expect that his grades should be increasing, josh have taken person statements from his contacts, who have been sworn to secrecy or be executed by the government. I have taken an interest in this Light, and will follow up on him in the future.

As for the whole question, how does Kira kill? I have been researching about 'Shinagami's' and i have found some interesting information about them. I would wish to speak with you about them in person, as i can't share this kind of information where there is a possibility of it being hacked. I will explain everything in detail. I have made sure not to say anything new in this email, as i will tell you everything when we meet. 

Two days time.

Same place as last time.


I hope to see you there


I sent it. Straight away, i got a small response.

' [Y/a],

You will see Near again, soon at that.

As for all the information you have given, we already knew of all of this, but i just wonder why you went straight to a mythical creature rather than a logical explanation. As L, has been looking for. I'm sure you will explain this soon. And you will see me.

But let's change this to tomorrow.

Same place.

Same time. 2:30pm

I hope I will see you there. 

Next time you want to contact me, use this phone number ____________, that way none of our conversations can get hacked.


I guess they are trying to move along the investigation. Smart. Saving lives is our priority right now, other than the obvious, find Kira and bring Light to justice.  

I pulled out my phone, added the number into my contacts, calling it W. I sent a text to him, explaining my situation.


I wish to be more involved in the investigation. I know I suggested it to be this way. But nothing is being done. I will join the Japanese Task Force, a new way. But with a disguise. Don't worry. L won't find out. I will be careful.

Until tomorrow,


Sigh. I really do need to get more involved. But i guess this is what i get for not going out in public since 2 year ago. This will really be a change. I have to notify Josh.

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