Chapter 25

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[Your POV]

As soon as i hit him, he fell to his knees. Weak. I kicked his stomach with enough force for him to gravitate towards Earth. With him in a vulnerable position, it left a field of options of how to beat him. I straddled his thighs, which seemed to shock him, which led him to gasp. Exactly where i wanted him. I grabbed his throat blocking off his oxygen. His large hands pulled at my face, gripping my soft rosy cheeks, palm hovering over my mouth so he could feel my warm breath hit his skin. These actions seemed to give him pleasure. Even thought there was a burning pain in his chest due to the lack of oxygen, he still could manage a captivating, psychotic laugh to emerge through his thin colourless lips.

While one hand was still on his throat. Fingers curling around his paper like skin, white and easily broken. The skin was purple-ish. Bruises forming. Out of no where, his hands pushed me back with great force, i landed on the ground in great form. We both stood...glaring at each other. Waiting for someone to take the first move. he lunged forwards, swiping at body with his paw like hands. One hit could have been brutal; though i jumped onto the floor, hands spread, legs formed balls as they fell to the ground, my hands picked up so i spun, it was almost a flip...but not quite. ( i honestly don't know what to call this or describe it, so there is my best shot. Sorry, but it's like a handstand into a forwards roll. Hope that helped.) Our eyes met, glaring. He reached up for my throat, pulling me down to earth. He straddled me, throwing punches. His stare was psychotic. Insanity flowing in his stare. Craziness swirling round in his crimson orbs.

It was the end.

He was going to beat me.

No. L never did. He always hoped.

~You are my sunshine~

Hope...Hope it...You know what they say about hope - it breeds eternal misery.

And I'm willing to live eternity miserable just to make Lawliet happy for one moment of the day, one smile, one dream, one moment of pure joy and pure happiness radiating from his usual lonely self.

I am willing to die for him- Lawliet, he is my sole reason to give life another chance, to give hope another chance to breed back into my life.

I stood up. Dodging his powerful punches.

~My only sunshine~

I looked over at him, he was recovering in the corner, smiling.

I turned back to see BB, rage gathers in myself, and my lifeless hand formed into a fist, I looked down up to his grin.

I'm going to wipe that smile off his face!

But before I could, he brought me back to reality, how can I beat him. He is; stronger, crazier, more skilled, smarter. I am hopeless. I am losing. I am...

~You make me happy~

He threw a punch at my face, bringing pink to my cheeks. I looked over to Lawliet, he stood up- unnoticed by BB. As his crazy face was turned in my direction, muttering.

"Darling~ this is what you get when you escape. No one leaves me. Not like...NO ONE LEAVES!"He muttered a word, a letter, a noise. "a...A...a...A...a...A...a...A!"

~When sky's are grey~

As he was lost in thought. Lawliet came behind, brought his hands together- over his head- brought them back down with immense forced to BB's spine. This forced him to face plant my lap. He brought the handcuffs from out of his pocket, and latched them around his wrists.

As I looked up, he was already staring at me. His smile radiated warmth and happiness.

~You'll never know dear~

The way he looked up at me, with such pride...

"You did it, [Y/n]."

~How much I love you~

"No, we did it."

~Please don't take my sunshine away~

Soon police cars surrounded us, ready to take BB back to prison.

I am finally happy.

What could go wrong.

Taylor, or BB is back in prison. Only Light-Kira, to worry about.

What could possibly go wrong.

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