chapter 12

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I ran back into the Task Force HQ and all I saw was a large screen showing the blonde and famous Misa Amane, who I have no clue how she has the brain capability of even pulling off being Kira, even if she is a knock off version. And next to her sat a very paranoid Light Yagami. Whom is the one, the only, the psychopathic serial killer known as Kira. He is most definitely Kira. But within the last few hours he seems more and more innocent.

He changed.
The only question is...what changed?

After pondering that question, I noticed a pair of gray orbs staring at me.
He must have heard me come in.

I walked over. Still staring at the scene right in front of me.

"He's changed." I finally spoke.

"How so?" L responded.

"Look at him. His actions. His facial expressions. His way of thinking. His views. They have all changed. I just wonder...what happened." I thought aloud.

L turned back around, as if he was now looking at Light Yagami more closely now.

"I'm glad your here. Nobody else would have picked up on that. I am 85% sure that something happened the last 2 days in the cell. He changed, like you said." L agreed.

I nodded and watched the scene unfold in front of us.

"I was starting to think i'd never get out of there. But it feels good to finally be clear."

I giggled at his stupidity. Clear. You are as much as a suspect as you were before. Kira.

"No. " Soichiro begun, "I am afraid that you two are being your execution."

Both Light and Misa drew forwards from their seats, surprise ridden on their faces.

"I wanted to be the one to escort you to the execution site. it was secretly built in an underground facility not far from here."

Both Kira's complained. Not complained more like begged from the chock. Causing Light to repeat the words "execution", following with a "What the hell are you talking about?"

This made a grin beam across my face. I wonder how you will get out of this one...Hm?

"Both L and __ are convinced that you are Kira, Light, and that Misa is the 2nd Kira. He is convinced the only way we can prevent the murders is to execute the two of you."

"I don't understand, the killings have already stopped."

"No. They never stopped."

"They neve- That's not what he told me. So he were lying."

"L was trying to get a confession out of you, Light. He would have said anything, both goes for []...But at this point, that's not the problem. It's political now, L's suggestion that the killings would stop if you two are eliminated was unanimously accepted by top officials in the UN and the Japanese Government. They want Kira to disappear.

No trial.

No publicity."

Light argues. "But that's completely insane. Please dad, I'M NOT KIRA!"

Misa agrees, "Light's right, what kind of a father are you anyway. This is your own son, you're talking about."

"L made this decision, not me. His word is absolute. Over the years, he has tackled the most difficult cases, solving all of them. He has never been wrong."

A look of pure distrust and hurt came across Light's face. "You trust L, more than you trust me...your own son."

"L went so far as to stake his life on this theory, if the killings don't stop, he too will be executed."

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