Chapter 21

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A few weeks has passed and [Y/n] still hasn't gotten up. She is still in comatose. the investigation has been slower than ever and being around Light and Misa-being coupley isn't helping.

I sat on the exact chair for all three weeks and 5 days she has been out. All the meetings have been done electronically and the only visitors she has had are: Me, Watari, Light and Misa. Even though she despised two of the people included they insisted on seeing her, so Watari and the doctor allowed it- only if these visits were decreasing her stability and her progress were then for the two to be sent away. 

While peering upon my bright computer screen, every once in a while i would stare at her motionless form. I looked at her face; her eyes closed , leaving her long lashes laying on her pale cheeks. Her lips formed a straight line, almost a pout. Even though she may not move, nor speak, she is still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She may be in a coma, may never escape this pause on her life, she still is and always will be the only one for me.

As i stared at her face, my hand creeped over to hers gripped onto it slightly. Almost afraid to let go, for her to be gone...again.

As i felt no response, i brought my forehead down to her hand as i pleaded for her to be back in my life, my arms. Tears rolled down my cheeks as this happened. If i were to have only one wish - it would be for her to come back.

Then it happened.

I felt a squeeze on my hands. I must be imagining this, i want it so bad, maybe i'm imagining it. I miss her so much, too much, that's all. I just couldn't look up until i heard,

"L...L" was being croaked out.

As i heard that my head shot up, and saw her frail looking body and face turned towards me, with such pain in her [E/c] orbs which looked directly into mine.

"[Y....Y/n]?" I spoke.

Tears brimmed at both of our eyes.

"[Y/n]!" I yelled as i brought her cold, weak body into my warm arms.

"I thought i'd lost you...again." I told her while i held her.

"You'll never loose me again, Lawliet." She spoke, hoarsely.

As she laid there in my arms, i heard the door open, Watari stood there. As i looked up at his joyful face, obviously relieved that [Y/n] is okay. I felt her body go limp again.


"L. You need to go home. I will take care of her but right now you're not taking care of yourself, more than usual."

I placed her back onto the hospital bed and walked out of the room, leaving the hospital to go to the car, which i sat in for 10 minutes not moving, just staring, thinking.

How did we get to this?

I looked in the mirror and saw: The bags under my eyes were darkening becoming more prominent. My skin has turned paler almost grey-ish. Worry written across my face. Hair shooting at all directions the length at my shoulders now. Clothes wrinkled and my posture getting worse by the second.

...Watari was right...I really am a mess...I do need help.

What have you done to me [Y/n], what have you done?

After i woke up from my thought, i started the car and drove back to the HQ where the only residents are Misa and Light...I just hope she will wake up tomorrow and be okay again...If only...

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