Chapter 14 💜 part 2

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(Fight time)

Light then threw a punch at L's porcelain face, with Misa gasping in the background.

With the force of the punch, Ryuzaki fell backwards at an impactive speed towards the floor, lifting his legs above his head, flailing, trying to overcome the aftermath of that significant punch. But during the effect of this upcoming fight, the metal coils that keep both L and Light bonded together forces Light to come falling towards L, knocking over a house plant. While Misa's shrieks can be heard, due to the commotion and her stepping in the very last piece of cake.


Once L sat up, with one knee laid against the floor and the other in the air.

"That really hurt." L sincerely spoke.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Light shouted.

'I know how this will end, i better head up now.' i thought.


"Fine. Perhaps i phrased it the wrong way, it would be pointless for us to make a move, so we shouldn't even bother."

"If we don't chase Kira, he will never be caught. Is that what you want? If you were just going to give up, why did you involve all those innocent people."

Light then grabbed L's crisp white T-shirt, bringing L off the floor, closer to his face.


I walked in at this point, although no one noticed except Misa. Yet she kept her mouth shut.

"I understand...But still, whatever the reason."

'Oh No!'

L then turned around clockwise to face the floor, while bringing his left leg upon Light's face at vigorous speed.

'I then face-palmed. This is Whammy's all over again.'

"An eye for an eye, my friend." Me and L both spoke simultaneously. Which left everyone confused.

Although as confused as everyone was still nothing could be done as both L and Light were falling backwards, due to the powerful kick, brought to you by L, which lead to them to fall towards the couch, with both L and light grunting afterwards at the gravitational impact of meeting the hard floor.

I then walked over to Misa, pulling her backwards away from the scene.

"It's not my deduction was wrong that was wrong, the fact is i can say Light Yagami is Kira, and Misa Amane is the 2nd Kira, but it won't be enough to solve the case, and that's why i'm a little depressed. Is that so un-reasonable?"

"No." i answered.

"Yes. Yes it is. Besides you should hear yourself, it's as if you won't be satisfied unless i am Kira!"

"I won't be satisfied unless you're Kira?...Well there maybe some truth to that. In fact, now that you mention it. You're right. I think I wanted you to be Kira."

Light shot another punch at Ryuzaki, but this exact punch didn't have the same impact as before as it landed right on the center of Ryu's forehead.

"As before, an eye for an eye my friend. I'm a lot stronger than I look, you

L bent down putting his right palm on the carpet which laid on the floor, while keeping his right leg on the floor as well, just to kick Light in the face...again.

*ring ring*

Pausing their fight, L then went over to the phone where it was a supposed 'Matsuda acting stupid again'

"Well that's his speciality." Light commented

"When isn't he stupid." I added.

After L put the phone back down, he and light pulled the sofa back up, as L was about to sit down, Light put his foot out, only for Ryuzaki to fall and hit his head on the table.

"Just wanted to get even, Ryuzaki."

L then kicked Light in the face, again.

'I have to put a stop to this.'

I walked over to Light. Put my hand upon his lower back, that action shocked everyone in the room, while I brought my leg behind his knee, and kicking it up, only for him to over rotate, which flipped him over, so he fell straight on his face.

"AND YOU!" I shouted directing it at L. But before could do anything, he attempted to take me out of the room before any more fights subsided, carrying me out piggy back style. Only for me to wrap my legs around his neck, pulling me weight downwards as I lent backwards putting my arms out, preparing for the impact of the floor on my palms. When I did have contact, I brought L down towards the floor with me, so I ended up on top of him, straddling, I grabbed his shirt, like I did earlier to Light, and whispered,

"An eye for an eye, my dear friend." Releasing myself and walking out of the room, taking Misa with me, leaving a very confused L.


How did she know that phrase.

'An eye for an eye, my dear friend'

That's exactly what [Y/n] said to me the first day she helped separate a fight between me and this Bully.

Ever since that day I have used that phrase. But my 'dear friend' is how she used to refer to me, always.


I wonder how? Coincidence?

Another thing..... 'My dear friend', 'friend'. Is that a friend zone?

I will have to talk to Watari about this.



(A/n:) Okay, that's chapter 14 complete. As this had a lot about Kira, and the development L and reader's relationship, it had to be put into 2 parts. Sorry if this annoyed you. I just didn't want to post a uber long one. As my usual chapters are considered long, so this is better in my opinion. Anyway, until next time


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