Chapter 11

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I woke up to feel a warm fuzzy blanket draped all around me. Huddled in a bed. Once i opened my eyes, i found i was laid in a bed in a unknown room. I had never seen it before.  The only furniture was a bed, wardrobe (If you are not from Britain, it's a closet) and a cluttered desk. Everything was blank. Empty. Colorless. Everything was black, grey or white. I dragged myself out of the warm bed. Which smelled oddly familiar. Standing up to feel black marble on the floor with a cold sensations on my feet. I walked up towards the wardrobe. And guess what i found? The infamous white t-shirt and baggy blue jeans. But no, not one pair. Dozens. Who has multiple pairs of the same exact outfit? The owner of this room apparently. Who was the owner you may ask? Who was the last person i communicated with before i fell asleep? L. L put me in his room. L put me in his bed. Okay that makes me feel slightly creeped out. Should i be flattered? Thankfully i am still in my clothes. Phew. That would have made this situation much...much... much worse. I quickly closed the wardrobe door, probably alerting everyone here that i am indeed awake. I turned to see two black, emotionless eyes looking back at me. 

"Oh, i see you are awake. And going through my things as it seems."

His monotone voice seems...tired? But L is never tired? Strange.


We just stared at each other. Good for me, i am the best at staring competitions. Heh. Trying to win me, L. I will win. Cause i am Justice (jk, sorry i had to)

I slowly walk up to him, not blinking once.

He asks me, "[Y/a], why are you not blinking?"

"You see L, you were currently staring at me, and i love a challenge, so it seems we have got ourselves into a little game of staring. Hm? Got a problem, L?"

He simply shook his head. Walked closer and we said simultaneously. 

"I am childish and hate loosing so game on."


(By the way, i wrote that and now i'm thinking what the fuck. It was pointless and a waste. So yeah, i'm keeping it. Deal with it. So back to the actual story)


"L, your room is rather bare. i'm assuming you never spend any time in here."

"You are correct, [Y/n]"

I smirked at him, and yelled.


L seemed rather shocked and taken back by my yelling as he was still right in my face. It was strange, neither of us decided it was too close, and neither of us move. Strange.

When we both walked into the main room, we had a (dumb-ass) Matsuda yelling at us how there had been more  killing and both Light and Misa had been in confinement. He really was dumb. We can't give up now. Both of us, the actual skilled detectives had reason to suspect Light Yagami and Misa Amane. We wouldn't just lock them up if they weren't suspicious and given us a large enough reason to conclude them suspects. Damn he was stupid. 

I simply walked over to where Matsuda was currently yelling at the entire Task Force about how Light and Misa were completely 'innocent'. In your dreams, dumb-ass. Once i reached him, he stopped yelling as i had an almost murderous look peeled across my face as my arm swiped across him to back hand him. 

"Matsuda, we have reasoning behind our suspicion. We are not trying to put Light or Misa in confinement for our own self preservation . So leave it to us, before i remind you of how long you have been doing this job for. Hm? Leave. It. To. Us. And don't try to pull your bullshit all over us, either. We are not complete imbeciles, unlike you, we are completely aware of the current events too. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP, MATSUDA!"

Everyone including L, was in shock which i am not surprised at actually. I try to keep my cool, but when it comes to this dumb-ass, i am contemplating giving up my values and all my ideas on Justice, just too kill this dumb-ass. Harsh. I know. But he is idiotic. And in my opinion, too naive to be working in this job.

After my 'temper tantrum' I walked over to the monitor, L not far behind and i whispered in his ear,

"This is not doing anything.  The best thing we can do is to let them both out while we can keep them under watch. Do you agree, because if you have a better idea, go ahead?"

He looked at me with his emotionless eyes, nodded and said lowly,

"I was thinking the same thing."



Light's head shot up as soon as he heard my ever so soothing voice (Notice my sarcasm) I unlocked the door.

"Wow, you look even shittier in person...AGH, you smell it too. Take a god damn shower, Imagay!"

He looked at me, it was different to all the other times i had seen him, there was a slight pureness to him, no insanity, no mischief, just sanity, a look of intelligence. I might actually become to like this person. NO. NO [Y/N]. YOU CANNOT FALL FOR THIS. YOU CAN'T DO THIS. THIS MAN IS THE FAMOUS MASS MURDERING PSYCHOPATH NAMED KIRA. HE IS FUCKING KIRA, GET A GRIP, [Y/N].

I turned him around with and cuffed his hands together and walked him to the outside where his father, Soichiro Yagami was. I chucked light inside the back seat, nodded to Soichiro and jumped onto the back of my motorcycle, heading back to head quarters.

I'm sorry this chapter was rather pointless, but i have been busy. So i apologize. And i will begin to try write regular. i hope so. Don't trust this, cause me being me, i will probably forget. But i will try and next i will try my very hardest to make it more productive as i want this book to get more into the whole actual Kira investigation rather than just L. so yeah, updating soon hopefully.


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