Chapter 17

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Upon the wide large Silver screen viewed our current perpetrators- the Yotsuba Group. 

All eight of them sat around a large circular table,e  where they sat discussing the killing of their next chosen victim.


That's what they are.

As they continued the discussion, one word was said that made me pay close attention to them...'L'.

They speak of this man called Coil, who is their main information source. Well he obviously isn't a good one if he doesn't even know that we have already discovered Yotsuba's activity and already suspecting them of either being kira, or having contact with Kira.


Plus he doesn't even know anything about L, though he is smart enough to use an alias around them and discover that they are responsible for the murders of their competitions requiring their companies business.

After watching for a while, Mr Yagami (Soichiro) then tells HQ, including myself, L, Light and Matsuda. (Also another guy, can't remember his name) that he is going to call Kyosuke Higuchi, the organizer of the Yotsuba Group, and the head of technology development, and tell him that the  JTF ( Japanese Task force )knows about their existence and that he suggest they stop, before they are to be arrested.

But before he can continue with these actions, L attempts to prevent him by stating, "You're making this difficult" He paused pushing away his now empty plate. "If we were to take action now, the work we have done will go to waste."

After light completes his task of handing over the Yotsuba files over to his father, L says "Please hold on, this will just cause suspicion, it would mean that the investigation has caught up to them three weeks after they were contacted...Also it would make it far less likely that we would discover who the real kira is."

He leans forward on his cluttered desk to grab his steaming hot cup of [tea/coffee] with mass amounts of sugar inside. "We can't afford such a huge setback."

After conversing with L, light calls Reiji Namikawa, who is the Vice President of Sales at the Yotsuba company. After Light, who is impersonating L, informs him of the current situation. That now he can either help the Kira Investigation progress and move forward by helping L. Meaning he is to cease participation or he an be arrested with the rest of the Yotsuba members.

(time skip to after L's theory on Light's innocence)

After L clambered of his dark leather chair, he removed his shadowy orbs away from the security footage from the Yotsuba Groups Meeting room. He starts to head upstairs, grabbing my hand pulling me upstairs with him.

Misa's room?  I wonder whats going through that intelligent little head of his.

Following behind us, more like dragged along, was Light, who climbed up the stairs behind us, with a self loathing expression written across his face. As the two, L and Light, headed anywhere all you could hear was the clanging of the metal links connecting the two ends of the cold metal handcuffs, as they met with the equally cold stairs surface.

*knock* *knock*

L's pale hand formed a fist, as he pounded it onto the wooden door.

As he pulled on the silver shining door handle, you could hear a "come in." being yelled out by a squeaked high pitched voice being drowned out by the sound of music.

Such quality music taste Misa.


She sat bolt right up on the brown leather, from her other position of leaning on the arm of the chair. swaying her legs in the air.

As soon as she sat normally, L pounced on over to the sofa. crouched and crawled over to her Face. Making her blush furiously.

How dare she!

I tried to jump over there and wipe that smile of her dirty little face. I could just slap her in her dumb blonde bitchy face.

But before I could, Light wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing me back down from my jealous rage, back to Earth.

I'll get her back for that later...

"Misa do you love Light?" L's monotone voice questioned.

He's up to something...

She moved her viewpoint away from L and over to me and Light, who by now had released me from his grip and we walked over to the other two, Misa and L. As we did so, my eyes had not left Misa's face, giving her the 'ultimate death glare'.

She noticed that, and as k walked over to L, she swung round to Light, circling around him, putting her arms on his waist, then up to his shoulders, ad she weaver her way around his body.

"Of course I do." She answered.

"But I thought you worshiped Kira?"

"Oh...I do!" She giggled.

"But Light is on the investigation to defeat Kira." L paused. "So what are you going to do?"

"I love light, more than Kira, sure I would like to meet him one day, but I would choose Light over him any day."

"So Misa...Would you like to help defeat Kira."

"Oh anything to help Light."

So L discussed his plans that both I and Misa will participate in. *sigh* We would enter the Yotsuba Group HQ, and be questioned by the members, on our knowledge on L.

Misa agreed,
"Of course, I get to help Light, while doing it with my bestie!"

IS SHE BLIND! Does she not see that I despise her vey being!!!

I grabbed L's hand, pulling him close so I could whisper in his ear, so the conversation wouldn't be heard.

"When was I planned yo be involved with this?!"

"Oh, [f/n]. You were planned to be involved from the beginning. Miss was the help."

"So you think I'm incapable of doing this solo."

"Not at all. You are a very capable woman, [f/n]."

"Why did you say it like that, L?"

"Like what?" He turned to face me, with an innocent facial expression. But the blush tint in his cheeks, made me wonder:
Is he bothered by being this close to me?
Do I smell?
....I can only wonder what goes on inside his brilliant brain.

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