Chapter 5

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Your POV


I have some news for you...lets meet up at the same place as today in that back room. In person. And don't worry L is not coming. I'll keep your secret from me. Besides you were always my favorite successor of L's. You have come quite a way, from being that scared little girl i knew you as. I hope you do agree to meet me.



Back room of Heavenly delights

In person, without Josh. I would really appreciate this.


WHAT! W-W-Watari knew. Watari knows. What am i going to do? SHIT! I-I-I just need to clear my head. Outside. That should do. I'll go on a quick walk. Just clear my head. Shit, what do i do? Do i meet him? What if he has told L, i mean he said he hasn't and wouldn't, but still this is Watari we are talking about. Who knows what he'll do. Damn. Okay, it's decided i'll go for a walk. Just check the time. 3:15pm. WOW! Well played Watari. Well played. Making it so i can't decline. I should have known. This is exactly like Watari. Guess he hasn't changed a bit.

(Time skip brought to you by cake. Cause i can.)

I walked up to the door. Took a deep breath. And gently opened the door. I pulled my fabric black mask up to under my eyes, with sunglasses over my eyes, with a purple beanie pulled over my [h/l] [h/c] hair. The hair hid the left half of my face. I softly spoke ordering an Ice tea. And walked over to the 3rd table where a man was already sat...Watari.

"Ahem. (coughs) Watari. How did you find out?" i spoke, almost whispering, Watari then looked up slowly. Stood still keeping his stiff, regal like posture and hugged me. It felt so good. The man that saved my life was now after two years was hugging me. He was here. I'm not alone anymore. I hugged him back with equal effort, tears threatening to spill. Once he pulled back, he looked at my face, removed my mask and sunglasses. And he spoke,

"I knew you were never really dead."

"WHAT? HOW?Hm...D-Does, does L k-know?"

His face grew an amused expression. So i'm guessing not.

"As you can tell, i would rather him not know. It would do more damage than good right now. plus he needs to complete this case, and from what i have gathered. It's been very difficult to conclude that our suspect is guilty of being Kira. I promise, once the case is over. I will let him know. I'll reveal myself in front of everyone. If that is what it will take."

"Miss [Y/n], that will not do. You have been gone for two years and a lot has gone down in Whammy's since then. It would be pointless to explain it all, as you probably wouldn't care."

My face blew up in rage. HOW DARE HE!? HE KNOWS HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS SITUATION! But i have to keep my cool.

"Ahem, Watari. I assume you do not know how i feel or felt about this whole situation. As, yes you do have quite excellent deduction skills but you do not know me, the new me, the me i have grown to be. I know he will never forgive me. I know that." I looked up at him straight in the eyes, tears rolling down my pink tinted cheeks."But i have to try."

Watari reached out over the table, what i thought was grabbing his tea, but in actuality was grabbing my hand and holding it, dearly. I  spoke with a brittle tone . " I know there is a very large chance he will never forgive me. Don't try me, Watari, i'm not half as half-witted as you think i am. I have reasons for leaving. I never told you, cause i couldn't handle the situation myself. I didn't want to bring you, nor L, nor even Near into my shitty messes." I cried softly " How is he? How is near? Please i'm desperate, I need to know. I don't care if he knows. Actually i want to meet Near, if he promises not to tell L. I want to go back to Whammy' secret.

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