Chapter 16

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After talking to Watari, i have come to the conclusion that i love [f/n]...but i can't.

I can't betray [y/n] like that.

I know she is dead.

But there is still a 10% chance that she is alive out there, somewhere.

I can't give up hope...she is out there, i just have to find her...i'm not giving up, quite yet.


"L! Where are we going?"

I didn't answer.

"L." She called out.

Still no answer.

So she struggled her small wrist from within my bear like grip, which once her presence was removed from my touch, i felt an empty feeling in my stomach.

I didn't know it then...But i loved this girl.

She put both of her delicate hands on each of my shoulders, and spoke lowly,

"If you don't tell me why you are dragging me, IN THE DARK, to a ,mystery location, then i will be forced to get a room change...WITH C!" 

I chuckled.

"What's so funny mister!" She yelled in my ear.

"One- You cannot get a room change without both participants consenting, as well as Rodgers approval. Two- C doesn't like you, and you don't like her. So there is a very low chance that will be allowed."

"You're no fun." She argued.

"Lastly, you find out why when we get there, and if you don't stop complaining." He turned around, his midnight like eyes staring into mine, while he removed my hands which we still placed against his shoulders." There is a 65% chance i will leave you here...alone."

I smirked, "So there is a 35% chance you won't leave me." 

He strolled off, while calling over to me, "Don't count on it."

"Ouch."  I sarcastically commented.

(Time skip to arriving to the mysterious location)

Before i could get a view of the surprise, he covered my eyes, with his soft hands. We both chuckled at the scene of us both. I could hear the dry grass crunch beneath our feet. L stopped behind me, with his hands still covering my eyes.

"Ready?" He asked with his monotonous voice.

I nodded enthusiastically.

He removed his hands, to reveal a beautiful scenery. Which left me awestruck. Of all the places he could have taken me. He chose this...where it all began. He turned this dark landscape of  unorganized trees into this beautiful scene. With glowing fairy-lights dangling and flowing from tree to tree, lighting them up, to cast their green upon the world again.  And a wooden plank formed into a semi-circle with these cascading steps leading up to it. What a sight it was. Uncontrollably i stepped forwards towards it. I stepped towards the first step and to the second and third. Taking all of this in. How long must have this taken? Why did he do this for me? As i reached the last step, i leaped up. Extended my arm to reach the nearest tree, and broke off a piece of the emerald leaves off the branch, glancing at it, as the moonlight shone against it, reflecting it's silver light across the trees. As I was about to inspect the gleaming fairy-lights, a pair of warm arms hooked around my waist, making me stop and retract my arm, to turn around. As I did so, his arms stayed around my waist. Once my [E/c] orbs met his dark eyes, I enveloped him in a hug, where he hugged back straight afterwards.

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