||Chapter 5:The Case At Hand||

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As I walked to Ciel's study, I saw many books and showed me a seat and I sat down quietly. He said down in front of me and asked, "May I ask something personal?"
*blush* "Sure Ciel, what is it?"
"What was the incident exactly? Like your traumatized past?" Silence filled the room quickly. I answered, "Well, I do remember it vividly, but I kinda get traumatized just thinking about it." I pulled out a nervous laugh and Ciel said, "Don't worry, it is just me." I fixed my dress and said, "I....I remember the night, the flames glowing red and the screams of the people scurrying to save their life. Nobody......nobody ever thought of me in the process. My dad......he tried to..help. Couldn't make it, my mother gave me a necklace of my place with the....queen... I remember the warm tears I cried....the screams I yelled...saying no, just no. I tried to think of something happy, but the darkness just overwhelmed me..devoured my soul. I actually thought, why isn't heaven helping? I thought that while they performed the...ritual. *gulp* I fainted on my maid, Lily. Never smiled after that. *Touches ring*" Ciel looked at me in shock, I tilted my head and asked, "Ciel?"
"I think I was in the same situation, I feel your pain (f/n)."
"You do?"
"They placed a stamp on you right?"
I nodded quietly, and I felt warm hands touching my hand. "Let us talk about the Jack the Ripper case shall we?" Ciel asked. I nodded and we talked.
~After Conversation~
"I guess we need to ask Sebastian about this...." I said as I tapped my pencil on the paper. Ciel stood up and said, "I will tell Sebastian." Right on time, Sebastian came with the cart. Ciel sat back down, embarrassed. He handed me the tea first. "Is this English Tea?" I asked politely as I smelled the tea. "Correct Lady (l/n), I heard that my young master needed something.." Sebastian concluded. "Well it is nothing-" I cut off Ciel sentence and said, "What Ciel is trying to say is that he wants you to find documents of the suspects for the Jack the Ripper Case." I looked at Ciel and he pouted. "I see, my young master isn't grown up yet?"
"I am very grown up Sebastian!" Ciel answered. Sebastian cut off, "I actually know who the suspect is...."
"Who?" I asked.
"We need to go to a ball first........ that is the only way." Sebastian concluded. "Lily! Let us go dress shopping." I commanded.
~Time Skip~
As I walked down the area with Ciel, (You and Ciel took a carriage to find a dress) I saw many beautiful dresses. "Your company is booming," Ciel told me as I walked with him. "I guess it is.....It is getting late, we should head back and shop tomorrow."
~Time Skip again (I didn't plan this!)~
Ciel walked out the carriage first then me. I said, "Well, I should be heading-" Ciel interrupted, "Stay here, in the guest room. It is too late right now."
"Sure then...but I don't have any extra clothes...." I told him. "Don't worry.....I will get you some. Wait for me in the guest room." Ciel finally said. I walked inside the guest room. Meylene came inside and gave me the nightgown. It had a baby blue color and the gown touched touched to the floor with short sleeves and ruffles. Lily helped me place it on and I felt great. I fell asleep quickly once I lay my head on the pillow.
~In the Morning~
As I woke up, I saw Sebastian opening the curtains. "Sebastian, why are you here?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.
"Well, let me see. The young master told me to serve you some tea Lady (f/n)." I nodded my head and sat up straight. "Today I prepared you  my young master's favorite tea, Earl Grey." Sebastian poured the tea into the cup and gave me it with a smile. I drank the cup cautiously so I won't burn my lip. Lily came in and Sebastian excused himself. Lily came with a simple teal dress to the knee as always with ruffles. The dress was simple and pretty, as well as fascinating. As Lily placed my slippers on, I walked to Ciel's study to discuss the case. He walked inside and I sat down on the chair across from his desk. I asked, "Did Sebastian tell you who it is?"
"Yes (f/n)."
"Who is it Ciel?"
"It is a man who is named Lord Druitt. He is hosting a ball tonight. My aunt and a merchant named Lau is going to join us. Many people say that Lord Druitt captures girls with skirts...."
I thought for a moment and said, "I am going to be in a dress......"
Ciel mumbled, "So am I..."
"Wait! You are cross dressing Ciel!?!" I asked in confusion.
"Yes, me and you are going to pose as best friends, Lily is your maid as always while Sebastian is my tutor...." Ciel placed his hand on his head. "Do we have the dresses?" I asked. Ciel nodded, "Come with me." I followed him to a closet where there are two dresses. One dress is pink and one dress is blue, both are identical. "I am going to wear the pink while you wear the blue one....." I nodded and said, "Why don't we cool down with some tea shall we, it is almost 12:00." We headed downstairs where a heard a noise in the kitchen.
I ran downstairs and Ciel ran behind me. "(f/n) wait!" He yelled. I looked and saw a chef with a flamethrower. He was using it in all directions and it was coming towards me. I couldn't run in time. I closed my eyes then felt something grab me. I saw Sebastian grab me in his arms. I said, "uhh......" He smiled and replied, "Lady (f/n), are you alright?" I nodded and he placed me down. I fixed my dress and saw Ciel in shock. Sebastian walked up to the chef and said, "Bardroy, don't use this flamethrower again. I am going to keep this." I went up to Ciel and asked, "Are you ok?" He walked into the kitchen and saw ashes on the floor. "Sebastian......clean this immediately..."   Ciel commanded. "Yes my lord," Sebastian bowed and started working. "I see my servants went home," I commented. "I have a feeling your maid sent them home," Ciel replied, "I need to tell you my servants names. The so called "chef" is called Bardroy, the maid with glasses is Meylene, and the boy with yellow hair and a farmer's hat is Finnian." I nodded quietly and said, "Why don't I teach you how to be a lady Ciel?"
"You are going to crossdress.." I teased. Ciel became red and I said, "You should though! It will help."
"Fine, teach me how to be a lady...." Ciel pouted. "I guess we will get the tea when we are upstairs then," I said as I grabbed Ciel's hand. We ran upstairs to his study. I clapped my hands and said, "To be a lady, you pretty much have to walk like one." I told him that he is suppose to walk straight. I then asked him if he could dance. "Not really......"he replied. I grabbed his hand and I placed it on my shoulder. Then, I placed his hand on my hip. "Then you just dance, don't hit my feet ok?" When we were dancing, Ciel accidentally stepped on my foot.
"Sorry....." he apologized. I saw  Sebastian come in from the door and he teased, "Isn't my young master having fun?" Ciel said, "The ball is tonight, so can you fix a carriage for us at 7:00 pm and pick up my Aunt and Lau in 6:30 pm." Ciel let go of me and Sebastian gave him the tea. Sebastian gave me one as well. "Herbal Tea I suppose?" I asked. Sebastian said, "Correct Lady (f/n)."
"We should wait until 6:00 then for the ball," I concluded. I finished my tea and me and Ciel talked for a while.
Ok, so right now I just watched the Super Bowl of Falcons Vs Patriots. It was sooo close so I wasn't really paying attention writing, sorry! That was a close game though! Patriots won! My brother is going to get a lot of homework -_-. I feel sorry for him! It is 7:36 pm right now! That is all that I want to say!

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