||Chapter 6: Jack The Ripper: Who is the Real One?||

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Once 6:00 hit, Lily told me to place my dress on. I was able to place on my dress without a hassle, but the worst part is the corset because of how much you need to tie it. Overall, the gown looked sooo pretty on me. To hide my identity, Lily placed extra pieces of hair to make my hair long really long to make my hair into a long braid. Luckily, it matched my (h/c) hair perfectly. I placed my heels and gloves on while Lily fixed my hat. As I walked downstairs, I heard Ciel scream in a muffled voice, "You are going to kill me!"
"No lady has ever been killed by a corset," Sebastian replied to Ciel. I laughed quietly and a maid with glasses came up to me, I have a feeling it was the maid called Meylene. "Lady (f/n), you look lovely yes you do!" She exclaimed. I told her thank you. Ciel came downstairs and I said, "Let's go?" "Yes, they are here right Sebastian?" Ciel asked. "Yes, they are waiting for you both."
I walked with Ciel to the carriage and I saw a women with rose red hair with a matching gown. There was a man with traditional clothing. As I went inside, Ciel said, "This girl is named (f/n) (l/n) and she is going to help solve the Jack the Ripper case." I introduced  myself as the carriage started moving. "Hello darling, my name is Madam Red. You should know me when you were young because I was a fond friend of your mother Sidney (l/n)." I shook her hand politely and the man said, "My name is Lau and I work overseas for my company..." I shook his hand as well and I saw a girl next to him. "Her name is Ran Mao." He stroked her head and I looked at Ciel with confusion. He shook his head and I saw that we were close. The carriage stopped at a curve and Ciel went out first then me. When we went inside the manor, me and Ciel are best friends and Sebastian is Ciel tutor while Lily is my maid like last time. As we walked around, Ciel said, "I hope Lizzie isn't here...."
"Who is Lizzie?" I asked.
"My fiancé......"
"Oh, is she bad?"
"Well, she loves cute-"
We heard a scream behind us and turned around. I saw a girl with a red dress to the knee and she shouted, "Your dresses look so pretty!!!!" Ciel grabbed my hand and started running to a table. "I don't want her to find out it is me..." he whispered. "True...." I said. Lily added, "I see Lord Druitt." She pointed at a man dressed in white and with a mask; he had golden blond hair. Lily and me nodded at each other and stood up. We started dancing and Ciel looked Sebastian. They then started dancing. I saw Lizzie looking at us and we tried to avoid her sight. Once the dance was over, Ciel collapsed and fell to his knees, panting. I patted him on the back saying he would be fine. As we stood up, I saw Lord Druitt clapping. Lily and Sebastian agreed to leave us alone with Lord Druitt. "Hello Lord Druitt," Ciel said in a girly voice. I bowed as well to be polite. "We were so tired of this ball," I added with a higher voice than usual. "Really my sweet Robin and Bluejay?" He said in a smooth voice that made Ciel cringe badly. Lord Druitt suddenly touched my hip and I tried to endure it. "We would like something more entertaining," Ciel said to speed up the time since Lizzie was there waiting for us. I heard the music stop again and Lizzie started running towards us. Suddenly, Sebastian placed a huge box in front of us and I looked at Lord Druitt again. "Shall we?" Ciel took my hand and we went with Lord Druitt to a dark room. I smelled something funny and covered my mouth and nose. I felt lightheaded and I saw Ciel fell to the ground seconds before I collapsed and heard Lord Druitt say, "I finally got you my sweet robin and bluejay....."
~Time Skip~
I suddenly woke up and heard someone speaking. Lord Druitt said, "We have two young ladies here. One of them has a different eye color from the other. You can sell them for body parts or servants." Black Market Sale.....I should have known. Someone took my blindfold off then Ciel's and Ciel commanded, "Come get me and (f/n) Sebastian." All the lights turned off and I heard screams of terror. The candles became lit again and I saw Lily and Sebastian waiting for us. I stood up and Lily held out her hand. Sebastian carried Ciel and he got mad of that. Lily did the same and carried me. We were able to escape without anyone noticing us. Me and Ciel went inside the carriage with Lau, Ran Mao, and Madam Red.
~In the Morning~
I saw Ciel in shock when he found out that Jack the Ripper strikes again. I heard a loud bang and he said, "Why....." I looked at the article and Jack the Ripper is still alive and well. "Sebastian, when is the next attack?" Ciel asked him as he looked through the news article. "There is going to be an attack tonight I suppose in an alley nearby." Ciel commanded Sebastian to find us old, torn clothes to use.
~Time Skip~
We headed outside and into the alley Sebastian talked about. Ciel saw a door open and walked to the door. I saw blood and dismembered body parts laying on the floor. The woman's head was all bloody and dirty, a clean cut. Ciel suddenly had a breakdown, so Sebastian covered his eyes. He handed Ciel to me, so I can cover his eyes instead. "Well well, if it isn't Madam Red's butler," Sebastian said. There was a butler with glasses and a ponytail; he was drenched in red blood from the victim. "Madam Red had a butler?" I asked Ciel. "Yes, it was only a few months ago though," Ciel replied. I look up and the butler said, "Sebastian, you finally found my identity. My name is Grell Sucliff!" He took a comb out and brushed his brunette hair and it turned into red, flaming hair. He replaced his glasses to red ones. Sebastian was ready to fight with his butter knifes out. Ciel then took my hand and removed it from his eyes. I then saw Madam Red with a depressed look as she walked out of the room all smeared with red blood. Grell and Sebastian went up to a rooftop to fight. Madam Red when up to Ciel. He still looked her in shock. As Ciel backed away from the wall, Madam Red screamed, "I wish you were never born!!!" I ran up to Ciel and she stabbed me in the right of my shoulder. The pain was horrible and I dropped down to my knees. Madam Red started crying and dropped the knife stained with my blood. "(f/n)!" Ciel said, "You are such a fool you know that?"
"Well, I have no clue if Sebastian can get you in time, even if he is a demon." I answered. I placed my hand on the cut and it burned badly, well not as bad as the other injuries I had though. Sebastian ran to us and I saw him without a arm. Grell jumped down for the roof and said, "Oh Bassy, you suffered you arm just for that stupid child. And you, Madam Red, time to say goodbye forever." Grell got his chainsaw and cut Madam Red right in the stomach. Blood started to splatter everywhere and she cried her last tear. Grell got her coat and started to pose. Ciel commanded, "What are you waiting for? I commanded you to kill Jack the Ripper, it is still not done." Sebastian bowed and said, "Yes my Lord." As they fought at the alley, Ciel took the coat on top of his head (that Sebastian gave him) and placed it on top of Madam Red. He whispered, "Sweet dreams Madam Red." When Ciel backed away, I stood up and went next to him to comfort him. Suddenly, a man in a tuxedo and glasses came up to Sebastian's and Grell's fight. He said, "I am William T Spears and I will take Grell out," he punched Grell in the face with his weapon in hand. Sebastian gave him he chainsaw Grell used as well; I could say he threw it at William and he caught it. As Ciel helped me up, Sebastian carried us together and we went back to the manor in no time. "We have to attend Madam Red's funeral," Ciel told me as we walked inside the manor. "Well, let us get dress and we will sleep until tomorrow." I concluded. Lily helped me take care of my cut and I slept soundly.
Ok, so I think this is a short story so I am sorry! I wanted to finish this chapter before the week. It has been a while since I watched black butler and I can't wait for the new season! And yes, I barely realized that I forgot the Undertaker....-_- I will make it up for you guys!
Until now,

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