||Chapter 11: Spider and Dog, Butler and Butler||

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As I entered the manor, Alois took my hand. "You are going to be staying here (f/n). We are going to fight for you. Just wait until tomorrow," he whispered into my ear.
My whole body suddenly got chills. I confidently said, "I don't think so. I have a feeling Ciel will win this one."
"Tough huh?" Alois chirped.
This guy is really annoying me! I yelled in my head. Alois suddenly grabbed my waist and said, "When Ciel loses, you are going to be mine."
I looked at his cold eyes. He laughed and touched my (h/c) hair. "Come," Alois took my hand and showed me to a garden with roses galore.
He let go of my hand and I looked around the place. "Beautiful," I mumbled under my breath.
I saw Hannah and she instantly went to Alois.
Odd. I said in my head. "Hannah, fetch us some tea," Alois commanded. She bowed and instantly went inside.
I sat down on the bench and saw the birds soaring across the sky.
Hannah came back with some tea. She poured a cup and handed it to me, but she tripped and spilt the tea onto my dress.
She dropped to her knees and looked at Alois.
"Clumsy Fool!" Alois yelled.
"Don't punish her!" I said as the words slipped out of my mouth.
"But Hannah just spilt tea on your dress!"
"It was an accident, I can tell."
"You get away with this one Hannah," Alois finished, "Clean (f/n) up then Hannah."
"Yes your highness," Hannah relied. I stood up and she showed me to the guest room I slept in.
"Do you have a sewing kit?" I asked.
Hannah nodded quietly and gave me a sewing kit. Then, she gave me different types of felt.
I took a needle and sew in some black felt to create mini ruffles.
"I think I will just do that," I said as I gave the sewing kit to Hannah. She placed me into the dress I sew in.

I placed on my black slippers and I saw the ruby necklace on me

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I placed on my black slippers and I saw the ruby necklace on me. "Hannah, may I take off this ruby necklace?" I asked.
She shook her head. I didn't want to ask why since she is already in a bad condition with Alois. I took off the pigtails and I combed my hair.
I walked down the stairs with Hannah to the outside. Alois saw the sun setting and said, "We should enter inside."
I followed him and Hannah cleaned up the mess. He showed me to his Study. It was mostly gold with a balcony. I opened the doors to the balcony and a bird suddenly perched on the railing.
I placed my hand next to the bird and the bird perched on my finger.
I mumbled, "It is a blue jay. One of my mother's favorite birds."
I looked at the bird with a real smile and looked at the sunset.
Alois's POV
(F/n) is quite a beauty. I should send a carrier owl to Ciel again.
I wrote a small letter saying:
Dear Ciel,
My my, your fiancé is such a pretty one. If you lose this match, I will have (f/n) become my fiancé. I don't have one, but I will be glad to marry her. She is so sweet. Have you seen her interact with a bluejay?
The blue jay doesn't even move, she is so sweet.
I hope you can come tomorrow.
Alois Trancy
Trancy Manor
I folded the letter and sealed the envelope shut. I told Claude to drop the letter off to the Phantomhive Manor. Ciel will be very jealous of me. Kidnapping his fiancé.
Ciel's POV
As I was done filling out paperwork, Sebastian knocked on the door. "Come in," I commanded.
"I have a letter for you from the Trancy Manor my Lord," Sebastian said. Alois really wants me to kill him, I thought in my head.
I read the letter and bit my lip. "Sebastian, remember to place a carriage at 5:00 pm tomorrow. We need to beat that Trancy," I said as I placed the letter back onto the silver plate.
I saw Sebastian smirk and he answered, "As you wish my Lord."
He walked out of the room and I banged my fist onto the table. I can't let him win! I screamed in my head.
"After all (f/n) and I been through, I couldn't say goodbye to her now," I said quietly.
Your POV
As the sun began to set, I let the bluejay fly away. I walked inside and closed the door.
"If you can excuse me, I will be going to retire," I said. Alois smiled as I walked out of the room.
Suddenly, Claude was there. He got my wrist and whispered, "Don't try to get out the manor, my highness will kill Lord Phantomhive."
I nodded quietly and he let go of my wrist. I walked to the guest room and I took off the dress. I then changed into my nightgown and sat on the bed.
I placed my head on the pillow and I then lay down.
"What am I going to do," I mumbled under my breath. I then fell asleep.
The next day, I placed on the same dress, but I had gloves and a white hat with black flowers.
I walked downstairs, Alois noticed I took off the ruby necklace.
"Hannah, put the ruby necklace on (F/n)," Alois commanded. She got the necklace and placed it on me.
This is really weird, I thought in my head. I ate breakfast and walked upstairs to draw in the guest room until 5:00 pm.
I heard a knock and Claude came in to tell me to go downstairs. I went downstairs and saw Alois. "Ready," Alois said to Claude. He opened the door and I saw Ciel with a determined face. Same thing with Sebastian.
"Welcome Ciel Phantomhive!" Alois chirped. I held both of my hands and I stayed there quietly.
"Come and follow me!" Alois said. He walked us to an open area where we saw 3 seats alined.
I was directed to a red and black seat with a red cushion. Ciel sat in the blue one and Alois sat on the purple one. Sebastian and Claude went down to the open area.
I don't see any of the servants, I said in my head. Sebastian and Claude started fighting instantly. After a while, Ciel said, "I would like to have a tour around the manor."
"Certainly," Alois smiled. I followed behind them and already saw them back to back.
A duel? I asked in my head. "Whoever wins gets (f/n), deal?" Ciel said.
"Of course," Alois replied. They counted.
Ciel tried to get Alois first. "A bit of a cheater," Alois smirked. I stayed still.
I don't want to interfere, that will just make it even worse.
They both climbed up to the railing. And Alois shouted, "One two three, one two three, down you go!" Ciel fell off from the railing on his back.
"Ciel!" I said. I picked up his sword and started to duel Alois.
"You are getting into the action, I don't want to hurt you," Alois plastered another smirk on his face.
I watched his eyes and I dogged every move until I got him by the neck.
"Ciel! Grab Alois's sword!" I shouted while having the blade next to his neck. Alois sang softly, "Moonlight, shinning, roses in the dark."
I felt something sting. I fell instantly and coughed.
"I knew that necklace was good," Alois said as he picked up the sword. Ciel still had the sword ready. I held the necklace tightly.
I tried to unclasped the necklace, but I felt a tingling pain on my hands when I go near it.
I was still on the floor. I tried my best to get up, but I just fail.
I heard Alois yelp a little. I look behind me and saw Ciel place the sword into Alois.
"Young master!" Sebastian yelled. I saw him with cuts from his cheek and arms.
Sebastian saw me and picked me up instantly. I said,"Sebastian, the necklace."
He saw the necklace and took it off me. He threw it to Claude and placed me down. I went to Ciel and grabbed him. "Let's go," I said. He took out the sword and he went next to me.
Suddenly, I heard Alois say, "Claude.....get Hannah...and the Triplets......Kill them......"
Claude bowed down and suddenly, I heard people barging into the door.
Hannah and the three triplets.
Sebastian fought them off. I asked, "Is there a horse around here?"
Sebastian said, "There might be a horse outside Lady."
Me and Ciel ran to the front, but Claude blocked us. "You won't be getting out of here."
I heard a sudden shot.
We went out of the way and the bullet went straight from Claude's chest. I saw Meylene (or Mey-Rin) with her gun. "I heard you needed some help," Bard said.
Suddenly, all three servants instantly ran to help Sebastian. "They must have used a horse, lets go," Ciel said. We went outside and I saw the sun setting already. Ciel unleashed one of the horses from the carriage. How did they get the carriage? I asked myself.
It was odd because there was a saddle and other equipment for the horse.
Maybe for an emergency?
"Okay, climb on," Ciel told me. I grabbed his hand and went on the back of the horse. I held onto his waist and he got the horse to move. He said, "I kinda missed you."
"What inside the manor?" I teased. I laughed softly. My (f/c) color hair blew in the wind.
It was quite cold. "It is quite nice, I never knew you know how to ride a horse," I said.
"Well, Lizzie's mother taught me how to ride a horse," Ciel added.
"Nice, I wonder how things are going with Zen and Lizzie."
"Lizzie sent me a letter saying that they are having a wonderful time together."
"That is good, I wonder what will happen when they get older."
"Why are you always worrying about them?"
"Because, well, I don't know."
"Heh, you should be worried how we will turn out."
"I think we will be good together Ciel."
"I think so too."
"That is nice," I concluded.
I held onto his waist tightly and saw the moon rise up slowly.
"Thanks for being there for me," I told him with a smile on my face.

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