||Chapter 7:My Meet Up With a Boy||

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When Madam Red died, me and Ciel attended her funeral. I saw the girl named Lizzie crying with a black dress. "Let's do it?" I asked as I held red roses. "Yeah," Ciel held on a red dress. Sebastian got a carriage and filled it with red petals. We bothe walked in the middle and I heard many people whispering about us. "You shouldn't be wearing white, it doesn't suit you," Ciel whispered into Madam Red's ear. I placed roses next to her with a tear rolling down on my face. I wiped my tear away and me and Ciel took our seats.
Once the funeral was over, Lizzie came up to both me and Ciel. "Why did you do that?" Lizzie asks with a sniffy voice. "Doesn't Madam Red love red?" I asked with a small smile. She cried and hugged me tightly. Ciel looked at me and I was begging him to help me. Once she was done, I collapsed on the floor and tried to catch me breath. Ciel took out his hand and I took it politely. I looked up and saw the blue sky above us. I don't know if there is any heaven, I thoughts silently. My (e/c) eyes shined brightly and it was gleaming in the sunlight. I stretched out my hand and Lizzie asked, "What are you doing? By the way, what is your name." I lowered down my hand and replied, "My name is (y/n) (l/n). Pleasure to meet you." I turn around and gave a short smile like usual.
Once we talked for a while, Lily called me and said there is something important. I waved goodbye to them and went off. As I went inside the carriage, I asked, "What did you need me for?"
"It is a certain person that wants to meet you,"
"Who is it?"
"Your Fiancé my lady," the carriage grew quiet. I guess I have a fiancé as well. "Thank you for informing me Lily. Once we get home, find the perfect dress for a meeting." I commanded.
"Yes my lady..."
As I got ready, Lily placed me on in a red dress that goes to the floor. There are ruffles in a V shape, but the V shape is going down from the skirt. The ribbon was attached to my waist and there were lace around the bottom of the dress. The top was like the one Ciel wore to Lord Druitt's party. Lily kept my hair normally and placed a flower clip in my hair. "Let's go," I commanded her. I placed on my white shoes and red gloves and headed downstairs. Lily heard a knock and a familiar boy was at the door. "Welcome." Lily greeted at she bowed. "Hello," I mumbled as I walked to him. "Hello Ms (l/n)," he gave me a smile and I tried to smile back. Still working on smiling, I thought. "I am so very sorry, but have we met?" I asked politely as we walked to the flower garden. "Your memory.." the boy mumbled, "I guess I will introduce myself! My name is Zen Ableman, pleasure to meet you," he bowed and I bowed as well.
Zen and (f/n) had a long past with each other. Since they are noblemen, they have to marry nobles. It is very common in the era to marry each other while you are nobles. So, their family started early and showed (f/n) her fiancé. "You are my fiancé?" (f/n) ask curiously with a childish voice. "Yup, my name is Zen Ableman!" Zen proudly said. (f/n) started laughing very quickly. "Hahahaha....Ableman!" (f/n) said, "I like your name though Zen, I am glad that I am marrying you!" Zen looked at (f/n) and smiled and she did the same. They were friends at that moment.
As we talked for a while, trying to catch up, Lily brings tea to us. "Lily, I have a favor?" I asked as she handed me my tea, "Please get the memory book from my study."
"Yes my lady," Lily handed Zen a cup of tea, rolled out the cart, and went inside. "Thanks Zen," I told him.
"For what?"
"Caring for me," I said quietly, "Well, let's drink our tea." I took a small sip of the English tea and ate some chocolate cake. We talked for a while until Lily came up with the book. "Thanks Lily," I took the book and saw my little self looking right at me. The pain I had to feel when I was little made me forget all the good things instead of the bad. "The flowers...."I mumbled softly.
"Those were your mother's favorites," Zen added. It was nice seeing the book that Lily found in my study. It was heart warming and sweet. Zen smiled at me with his silky brown hair moving with his head. "Let's go walk around the manor?" I asked as I stood up and placed the book down. It was quite relaxing staying with an old friend. "Sure, let's go," he held out his arm and i took it with a small smile.
As we walked upstairs, I saw my study and I told him I will check on it. To my surprise, it was spotless as usual. All my book rearranged by order. I walked inside slowly and skimmed my hand through all the books on the shelf. "Beautiful place isn't it?" I asked politely and I looked out the window with the clouds floating. "Well organized, it must be hard owning a company," Zen added.
"It is pretty easy, but you always need to check on the company now and then."
"I have a question (y/n), what happened when we were kids. You never seemed to smile again, plus you never wanted to play with me."
A long silence filled the room instantly. Zen walked up to me and placed his hand on my cut.
"Ah!" I screamed. I dropped to my knees shaking."(y/n)! What happened!" Zen asked with a startled voice. I heard Lily run to the study and asked, "What is going on my lady and Sir Ableman?" Lily walked up to me and Zen said, "I touched her shoulder and fell instantly." Lily looked at my shoulder and I looked back at them.
"My lady needs some rest, please. Excuse me Sir Ableman." Lily carried me with her two hands and carried me to my room where I sat down on my bed. "What happened?" I asked as looked at my red dress. "Your wound," Lily stated. She closed the door and untied my dress. The cut that I got yesterday looked infected. "We need to see a doctor," Lily told me. She re tied my dress and opened the door. She saw Zen waiting for me with a worried look. "Sir Ableman, would you like to come?" Lily ask as she helped me up. "Uh...yes," he stuttered. I gave a soft smile and Zen walked with me to the carriage.
After the checkup, we headed back to the manor. As we pulled over, I saw a carriage. It looks familiar, I told myself. As I walked out of the carriage with my red dress, I saw Ciel and Lizzie waiting for our revival. "Hello Ciel and Lizzie," I bowed politely as I walked out with Zen, "This is my fiancé Zen Ableman."
"Pleasure to see you, my name is Ciel Phantomhive and this is my partner/fiancée Elizabeth Ethal Cordilial Midford," Ciel said smoothly. Zen shook hands to both of them and they walked inside my manor.
"Pink?!?!" I said as I saw pink stuff everywhere. Lizzie ran to the middle and spread her arms out, "What do you think! It is soooo cute and t was decorated so pretty!" I saw Tome and Amai running to me. "What happened?" I asked. They catches their breath and Amai said, "Lady....Elizabeth, she.....decorated...the manor my young mistress...." Ciel commanded Sebastian to clean it all up. "Why are you here exactly?" I asked Ciel. "Something important," he replied.
"Shall we head to my study?"
"Certainly," Ciel finished. We all walked to my study as the servants helped clean. Ciel walked in first and we all sat down, "What is important Ciel?" I asked.
He took a deep breath and said, "About the relationships with our partners."
Sorry for not posting in a while, and plus. I saw that over 100 people read this book! That is insane! Thank you for everyone who showed their support with my books,

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