||Chapter 9: Isues with Soma and Agni||

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"Good Morning my Lady," a voice ringed as I opened my eyes. "Lily?" I asked as I looked around.
"Yes, today we have Herbal tea," Lily told me as she poured the tea into the cup. I drank it and asked, "Have you sent an owl?"
"What for my Lady?"
"To notify the servants about my stay. Are they mad that I have been sleeping at the Phantomhive's lately?"
"I doubt that they will be mad. But once you wash up, I will send a carrier owl instantly to them," Lily finished as I gave her the tea cup. I  then changed into comfortable black dress cut to the knee with long sleeves with pink ruffles. 

As I placed my black slippers ln, Lily placed a pink bow on my (h/c) hair

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As I placed my black slippers ln, Lily placed a pink bow on my (h/c) hair. Afterwards, we headed downstairs to check on Ciel. I saw him waiting for me with the prince next to him. "Good morning (f/n)," Ciel said as I walked to him.
"Why is he still here exactly???" I whispered into his ear. He whispered back, "He challenged me to a sword fighting duel." Ciel led me and Soma to a big area.

A/N~ My mind is very rusty and I am just remembering the scenes from the Curry Arc. Idk if I got this correct! Please bear with me!

Ciel gripped his sword tightly and I saw Agni and Sebastian walk in. "Ready?" Ciel asked.
"Yea," Soma replied with determination. They faced their backs against each other and counted to 5.
Then, Ciel placed the first move. Soma dogged it by moving to the left. Sebastian patted my shoulder and I gave him a little smile. He smiled back and said, "Don't worry, my young master has been training for a while."
Soma then tried to aim his sword at Ciel's face, but Ciel dogged by blocking it with his sword. He pushed him back and aimed at Soma's face directly. Soma wasn't fast enough and I heard a cry from his servant, "Soma!!!!" Agni ran as quickly as possible and hit Ciel's arm instantly.
"Young master!" Sebastian yelled. We both ran up to him and Sebastian asked, "Young master are you alright?" Agni said, "I am so sorry Lord Phantomhive! It was my reflexes." Ciel looked at him and I helped him up. "Would the butlers like to duel to even things out?" I suggested as I placed Ciel's other arm around my neck. He stood up straight and held his arm with his other hand.
"Why not? We can do that," Soma answered.
"Sebastian, I order you to win this match," Ciel commanded.
"Agni, win this match!!!!" Soma exclaimed.
A/N~ I forgot what he says to command Agni >.<
"Yes my lord," Sebastian said with a smile.
"Yes my prince," Agni gripped the sword with his god hand that Soma gave him. Ciel passed Sebastian a sword as well. Agni tried to make the first move right of the bat. I saw Sebastian with a smile as he tried to make a move on Agni. Suddenly, they both aimed at each other at the same time, so they both ducked at the same time.
Impossible! Wait, they are not normal, I thought in my head. Without a warning, the tips of their swords perfectly pushed against each other. They bended at the same time and broke.
"Tisk, to bad they broke," Sebastian said as he looked at the broken sword.
"I guess this is a draw for now," Agni added. I saw Sebastian smile at Ciel and Ciel didn't look happy enough.
After a while, Agni suddenly disappeared. "Hey, where did Agni go?" I asked in confusion. "He always wanders off out of nowhere," Soma stated.
"We should follow him," Ciel ran to his room and Sebastian changed him to a furry coat. "Here Lady (f/n), it is going to get quite chilly," Sebastian added as he placed a coat around my shoulders. I thanked him and place it on.
We followed Sebastian and Soma to find a window. Sebastian told us to go inside the manor, so we went inside the mysterious manor. The door was a little open and I saw Ciel trying to peer in the conversation.
I heard a man command, "You are going to win the curry challenge with your god hand!!!!!!" He had a top hat with blond hair. His tux was black and he looked like someone who you don't want to mess with.
"Yes, I will," Agni replied with a nworried look in his face. Soma ran out of nowhere and Ciel was about to yell, but Sebastian covered his mouth and said, "They are going to recognize you my lord."
He uncovered his mouth and I saw Soma arguing to him. "Who is this????" Soma asked.
"I.....I," Agni dropped to the floor with tears. Blood tears. I never seen someone cry blood tears before! I thought to myself. "How do we resolve this?" I whispered into Ciel's ear. He saw Sebastian look at a deer head at the hallway.
Oh no. I thought. He ran to get the deer head and he went into the middle of the conversation.
"I am going to escort my prince out of here," Sebastian said as Soma and Agni looked blankly at him.
"Who are you?!?!" The man with the suit asked. "Come," Ciel grabbed my hand and we ran away from the manor as quickly as possible.
"Ciel where are we going," I asked as we ran down the stairs as quickly as possible.
"who are you!" A voice echoed throughout the manor. Two men suddenly came up in front of us. "Is there a weapon around here?" I asked Ciel as I looked around.
"There!" He shouted and pointed. He ran two the weapon and he tossed it to me as fast as he can. I held the sword tightly and I saw Ciel take off his eyepatch.
"Sebastian, come get us," I smirked and threw the weapon which hit a guy.
"Get them!!!!!" One man shouted. I saw Sebastian come with Soma in his arms. He placed him down as quickly as possible and knocked out all the men there. Me, Ciel, and Soma ran to the door and went to the carriage.
"Hello!" A voice said.
"Lily, thank goodness you are here, take the carriage to Ciel's manor," I commanded. We went inside and Ciel covered his eye. "I'll tie up the eyepatch," I offered. He handed my the eyepatch and I tied it while we were inside the carriage.
"I....I never knew he did that," Soma gulped. "Is there any challenges that he will be competing in?" Ciel asked suddenly.
I wonder why he asked that? "He does like making curry," Soma added with a smile, "The most delicious curry I ever tasted!"
Curry....sounds familiar....curry......The Curry challenge going on!!!!!
"I heard that there is s curry challenge coming up, why don't we sign up for it?" I asked as I finished placing the eyepatch on.
"Great idea (f/n)," Ciel commented. We then arrived at Ciel's manor where we found out Sebastian already prepared us some tea.
I took a carriage back home and Ciel promised me to tell me when the curry challenge will start. Sebastian dropped off me and Lily to my manor.
"My lady, welcome home," Tome greeted with a smile.
"Welcome," Amai greeted with lovely flowers, "It felt like ages since I seen my young mistress." I laughed quietly and looked at the polished manor.
"I am very sorry you two, you must have been alone for a while," I apologized quickly. "My lady you are too kind, it is alright," Tome responded.
"I knew that I can count on you guys, I will be heading to my study. Amai, would you like to help me change for once?" I asked as I walked up the stairs.
"If you won't mind," she said. "I don't, notify me when it is 9:00, by the way, Lily, you may have a break for a while," I added as I walked upstairs. "My lady is so generous," Lily said as I walked up the stairs. I closed my door from my study.
I looked at my window and saw the night sky with the shinning moon. I wouldn't want them to lose their freedom, I said to myself as I sat on my cushioned chair. I pulled out my papers from my drawer and started working on things from my company.
I should visit my company sometime, I told myself as I dipped the quill into the ink once more. My eyes began to fail me.
"I am so sleepy," I said as I stretched my arms out, "I should clean up." I capped my ink bottle and place my quill on my desk. Then, I placed the paper inside the drawer.
The night sky felt relaxing and calm. It was nice for a change to sit back at my chair and look at my window. "My young mistress, it is time for bed," Amai commented as she came inside the room.
"You accidentally forgot to knock I the door," I turned my hair around and stood up.
"I am very sorry my young mistress, I will not make that mistake again," she added.
"No worries," I finally said. I walked with Amai to my room where she placed me into my normal nightgown. A white nightgown with long sleeves and the gown stood at my feet. I rolled onto my bed and Amai said, "Goodnight." She blew out the candles from my bedside and left the room quietly.
The next day, I opened my eyes and saw Lily serving me tea with the curtains open.
"Good morning my lady," she smiled as she poured my a cup of tea. She gave me a newspaper and I asked, "This feels like the old days doesn't it?"
"I have a question Lily."
"Ask away My Lady."
"How was is like serving my parents?" I asked. The room became silent and Lily sat on the bed.
"Well, they were kind just like you my lady, they never really begged for anything. They just like to take their tea and talk with me. They would usually ask me if I have any problems I need to talk about. I liked them a lot," Lily smiled. I placed down my cup of tea and folded my newspaper.
There were two knocks on the door. "Come in," I said. Amai was there with a envelope with Ciel's company. "This is for you my young mistress," I took the envelope and opened it. I took out the letter and it said:
Dear (f/n),
The Curry challenge will be held this evening at 3:00 pm. Don't worry though, you don't have to come, you need to work on your studies. Sebastian will be practicing on perfecting the curry dish that he was planning on making. Wear something blue because I will be wearing a formal attire. The queen might come, so I hope I can see you at 3:00 pm in the Hall.
Yours truly,
Ciel Phantomhive
(owner of the Phantomhive company)
I closed the letter and placed it on my beside. "I need to dress up," I said. I told Amai to go and help Tome and Lily placed me in a dress similar to the blue dress without sleeves, but the dress is in pink.
I placed on my gloves, slippers, and bow and told Lily to call my tutor for my lessons.
Once my lessons were over, I told Lily that the curry challenge was at 3:00 pm.
A/N~ The queen isn't young, she is her normal age. In the anime she was young because of Angela, but in my story she won't be old and we won't have the problem about Ciel and Sebastian. So yea. Hope that clears things up!
It was already 2:34 pm. Lily placed me onto a blue dress. I added black gloves and a blue hat to match.

The corset still kills me because I rarely wear one

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The corset still kills me because I rarely wear one. I placed on my black slippers and Lily told Tome to drive us there. Amai also came as well. Lily was wearing her cleanest and nicest maid uniform, same thing with Amai, and Tome was wearing his nice butler tuxedo.
He dropped us off and I walked inside the hall to see a room filled with many people.
Luckily, I knew which type of hall because of all the posters around town Lily notified me when she was buying the dress.
"Ciel," I called as I saw him with his three servants,Tanaka, Lau (surprisingly) and Soma."I never knew you guessed the right shade of blue," Ciel added.
"I am still not used to corsets," I said.
"Don't start...." I laughed quietly and Ciel smiled,"Let's watch, it is almost time."
I nodded and saw Sebastian, Agni, and 2 other chefs. "We are going to be the judges," One of the judges said.
"And I will be the judge as well!!" A familiar voice sang.
"Lord Druitt....." me and Ciel said in unison. Suddenly, the queen came. Everyone became quiet and started to sing the queen's song.
Once it was over, she sat down with her personal butler.
"Ready contestants? Go!" One of the judges called. I instantly saw Agni cooking away. His hand was so swift, I could barely see the ingredients he was picking up. I saw Ciel looking straight at Sebastian, he must be that encouraged to win. "Chocolate?" I asked as I saw Sebastian thrown in chocolate into his curry.
"Heh, nice move," I said to myself. Chocolate can add a butter taste to the curry and can level down the other ingredients as well. Agni added a bunch of blue lobster. That is very rare, I said to myself.
Once they were all done, the two chefs didn't make it. Agni showed his curry and I heard Lord Druitt comment something. He yelled, "This reminds me of the fair lady with a beautiful blue dress and long hair with a elegant braid that I met in a ball. She had beautiful pearl jewelry that reminded me of this woman's beauty." A chill went up my spine instantly. When Sebastian was up, he called it a Curry Bun. The judges loved it as well.
Then, the taste testing ceremony started. I grabbed two curry buns with two napkins and gave one to Ciel. "Where is Soma?" I asked Ciel. I walked around the area and saw the man in the top hat with an Indian girl.
"Why Mina why!?!?" Soma sobbed. I instantly ran but Ciel grabbed my hand. "You will make it worse," Ciel informed me. I walked back to him and saw Sebastian giving the queen a curry bun.
She loved it dearly. Suddenly, a voice yelled, "The queen's orders? That preposterous!"
"Mina," I mumbled.
"Protect the queen!" Ciel yelled as he ran to her. I ran as well and a bunch of other people became just like Mina.
After the indecent, Sebastian won the curry battle fare and square.
Soma and Agni promised to leave the next day and visit Ciel when they can.
Once I got back home, another letter arrived to me. I opened the letter as I walked to the stairs. It said:
Hello Miss (l/n),
        My name is Alois Trancy. I am the owner of the Trancy Household. It will be an honor to meet you, I am the queen's spider by the way. Have you ever heard of a boy named Ciel Phantomhive? I will be inviting him as well. I heard from the queen that you are her Loyal Fox. Beautiful position for a lady like you.
Hope you can come to my manor at 5:00 pm, that will be good. Remember, the Trancy Household.
Alois Trancy.                  TrancyHousehold
I walked up the stairs and I told Lily, "Place a carriage to go to the Phantomhive's in the morning."
I hope you guys liked the long chapter ~_~. It was pretty hard to finish because the letter count is 2706. Nice! Hope you guys enjoyed!

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