13 - Sweetest Feeling 🌞

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The sweetest feeling 

The most life-fulifilling feeling 

Is that 

Of when you have so much to write, 

When you feel your fingers twitch with creative impulses 

And you know you won't have enough energy 

To expel them all. 

But the beauty 

Is in when you've written so many poems 

That you drop your pen - 

Not because your hand had gone numb... 

That happened long ago - 

You drop your pen 

Because your mind's now a mental fen 

Stinking of exhaustion. 

Your mind tells you 

It can no longer go on, 

And there's this feeling somewhere else, 

I think it's the soul, 

It literally feels drained. 

You literally feel drained. 

But you sleep... 

You sleep oh so nicely 

Because you've sincerely had enough creativity 

For one day. 

You've felt more emotions 

Than your soul was made to feel. 

That's the sweetest feeling... 

It masks itself as mental exhaustion 

And soulful drainage - 

But it ultimately means contentment for the poet in me, 

Because he literally cannot go on. 


Unusual job 

Of feeling 

Is done - 

For the day. 

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