83 - Wall Climbing

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Dedicated to Zeeei29  - she made me believe in me and in this book's worth.

There are girls like her who seem to not care about good first impressions. They hide beauty behind a facade that turns most off: you could call her a female dog - she'd smile and tell you she knows she is. And I don't know why they do this: put up a wall so high that most people opt to climb another wall. Because I experience the greatest high at the sight of what lies behind the great height. It's too beautiful for words but they're always beautiful behind the first wall. I lied. I do know why. They're hurt or have been hurt. The pretty minds house writhing scars of heartbreak on their minds and hearts. The higher the wall, the higher the high from seeing her smile from hearing you compliment the real unfiltered side of her.

- Leroy Lake

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