14 - Speechless 👅

44 11 31

Sew my mouth shut 

I'm sixteen, 

But my tongue 

Deserves a gun shot. 

I'm afeard of what my mind's got 

That can make psyches rot 

Because words in my brain's lot 

Are laden with manipulation's spot. 

Your silence,

your typical adult-looking-down-on-teenager remarks 

Are sharp enough

To pierce my bottom lip. 

And only the silence 

And the words

At the lump of my throat notice...

They notice as blood drips down onto my chest, 

And the needle prods my upper lip 

Then in a meticulous 


Pattern they floss 

My mouth of its verbal gloss. 


He's right, 

But everything in my being 

Seems to disagree 

And everything in my being 

Seems to also agree 

That it's not his fault 

I've just got to keep my speech in a vault 

Until I find some adult soul 

Whose words don't just break me down with no goal... 

But they simply gently restructure my foundation 

To ensure I grow into the creation 

My mind made blueprints for. 

Which is better than making my mind sore 

From demolishing my foundation violently like before. 

I want to listen 

And hear 

But I just can't bear 

Being broken 

Without care 

And left soul-weakened. 

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