86 - Empty Canvases, Hairless Paintbrushes

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Dedicated to MahekVij - a true fren and also a poet; go check out her works you won't be disappointed.

As a poet, writer, author, creative... my job is to use words to delineate the landscapes of emotions within me. To make perfect humanly-imperfect Mona-Lisa-like renderings of feelings and experiences I have experienced. That's a given. However, when I'm around the girl I want, the woman with pretty eyes, pretty mind and a pretty smile - I find myself struggling to do just that. If my words were paintbrushes they'd be paintbrushes with no bristles. If my poetry were an artwork on a canvas it'd be blank. It's easy for me to say, "I'm a poet" - but the poet boy in me hides behind the great fear of rejection when around her because that's what I think it is sometimes. That I'm so enthralled and in love with an infatuation with this pretty girl that I fear losing her due to showcasing artwork that doesn't spike her interest well and ignite her neurons with emotions of awe and bewilderment.

- Leroy Lake

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