87 - Constellation 🌌

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Dedicated to Rukhsana_M check out her work as well, I truly loved it. And hey cupcake if you see this then yay! You still snoop around wattpad. I just wanna say thanks, honestly, you have such a huge proportion of the influences that kept me down this poet/writer lane. I'm so grateful. Hope I can repay it too. Hit me up if you see this.

I salute you if you think like I do and just suck it in, take all of life's blows and choose to not react emotionally or let it all bring you down - because deep down you know one day time
will slow down to the right pace for you to exhale... inhale. You'll finally breathe, you'll finally feel and you'll finally have the time to acknowledge and count and let go of all the cracks, scars and holes plastering your soul like the stars, milky way and black holes plaster the night sky 🌌

- Leroy Lake

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