19 - Self-awareness

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Poet boy knows his flaws - 

self-awareness is a cruel thing 

It comes with claws 

That your mind says are the culprits 

That ruin every situation that thaws 

Your icy soul. 


Is blaming that same insecurity 

For everything you've made a mess. 

It's when she treats you like secondhand quality 

And you say it's because eye contact for you is like chess... 

You can't focus, and you're always the weaker side 

Turning your eyes away and making your confidence less. 

Self-awareness is watching friends leave 

And as you start to grieve 

Blaming yourself seems justified 

By the flaws that never die, 

They swarm your sleepless mind 

Because you're the overthinking kind. 

You're friend's departure

Births an aperture 

In your soul - 

So you'll never feel whole... 

But more flaws will start to breed there 

That you can't keep a friend for a year 

That when you let friends whisper in your ear 

You form a bond and start to care:

You'll start to fear 

Letting people near. 

Self-awareness is disliking compliments 

That your mind says are musical instruments 

Which are made mute 

When they lack truth. 

Because you know yourself

You've peeked at the book on your shelf, 

You know that they perceive you falsely 

So you say to them coarsely 

That you're an Iago:

You're something they won't know. 

Two faces 

Fast thinking paces 

Only you know your mind's places 

And your mind's nighttime cases. 

Self-awareness is seeing a portrait 

That tends you to portray hate - 


Is all your mind wants to create:

No its not self-hate 

But that's what they tell you 

When everything you say is true... 

Just that you perceive more flaws 

Than strengths that abide to no laws 

Because you will struggle to examine explain 

How these writings haven't made me insane. 

But still you'll see a portrait 

That predetermines your fate

Because each flaw has a hold - 

A tight grip that shapes your life's mold. 

Self-awareness is rather melancholic 

When your strength morphs into a weakness 

And you have one less reason to love yourself 

And have more reason to fear the shelf 

That houses books

That house the different yous. 

You go there sometimes 

During self-pity nighttime swimming times 

To compare past yous to the current you. 

Your physiology becomes painted blue 

Because the younger you 

Wasn't close to the dark fiend - 

He was a happier kid 

Not knowing Self-awareness. 

You let out a sigh 

As his hands come by 

And he reminds you he's only there for your good - 

As though he sincerely doesn't notice your sad mood. 

He'll put on your head a teal hood 

To adjust your spoilt attitude 

So you show appreciation 

To the mental creation. 

Because he's good at manipulation 

When you attempt dissociation 

He'll give colour to your minute strengths 

So rainbow light fill your eyes with dents 

And your vision will tend to neglect 

All that he labels as a defect. 


Is seeing more than your reflection 

In the mirror's depiction 

Is seeing the loch ness

In your eye's lens 

Because the real you is mythical 

Your accomplishments - equivocal. 

Your fate

Darkened by your bad traits 

Will delineate 

An emotionless attachment to walking through death's gate:

Self-awareness is seeing yourself at old age 

And actually fearing living out that page. 

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