43 - Honesty (rap)

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Here's 100% honesty

I think I'm decent honestly

Sometimes I descend; forestry

Are my words uttered

So people ain't bothered

That I feel not mothered

I feel not brothered

I feel isolated

My mind's gated

Guess who's fucking locked in

Guess what's fucking shocking

Being caged behind your cranium

Drowning inside your delirium

Doubting you're worth a dime

Your own birth a waste of time

Your own soul a pasty grime

Life's lemonade an acid lime

Corrupting your tongue in time

For your tears to ring wind chimes

Suicidal thoughts: your greatest crime

Suicide thought he'd weaken your kind

But with my words I'm here to mine

All that stupid shit you seldom feel

Let me tell you one damn thing:

Purpose is the Golden thing. 

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