53 - Trust

17 5 0


Is his most expensive possession:

You just

Cannot fathom

How much insecurity

He attaches to that word

And how much

It hurts him

To let people in

And stop stooping in

A shell

For introverted souls.

And oh, if only

You hear the frantic bells

That go off when you ask,

"Do you trust me?"

And sorrowful seas seep into his mind

So that he ends up drowning quite fine

The moment you say,

"DON'T you trust me?" -

Conjuring up false contraptions of trust

Shouldn't be a crime for people like him.

Don't you dare look at him with such disgust

He tried so hard,

But it's all gone hard:

You can't peel his heart -

Just forfeit the trust fall part.

(Thanks, in advance) 

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