Chapter 1

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I am a painfully, normal human being with a painfully, normal, average life. I graduated from the same high school that my parents did. I had one best friend from second grade until I graduated high school. I lived in the same house until I was 18 years old. I went to college, got married, and traveled the world.

Some could say that I’ve done it all.

“What can I get for you today?” The barista, standing in front of me, plasters a fake smile on her overly tan face, obviously not enjoying her job in the slightest.

Mentally, I roll my eyes and recite my rather easy order of a cup of coffee. She should be happy that I just ordered coffee. I could’ve ordered some drink that took ten minutes to prepare. However, I didn’t and for that, she should be grateful.


 She rings me up and I hand her the money. I give her a fake smile in return and take my coffee. I take a seat in front of the window, letting my mind wander for a few minutes. It was a beautifully sunny day in California. Summer was in full swing and tourists were flocking from anywhere and everywhere.

Changes in the seasons don’t mean much when you have lived here your whole life. I   was born and raised in a small town in the valley outside of Los Angeles. Since I was a teen, I moved around a little here and there, however I have always called California home.

This Starbucks in particular was extremely busy today, especially because it was Saturday. But, it’s not like that stops them for coming in any other day of the week. It’s always crowded. That’s L.A. for you.

I was so consumed watching the world around me, that I didn’t even notice someone sitting across from me. Startled, I turn towards them and am relived to find my best friend sitting across from me.

“Hey,” I breathe. “You scared me.”

She rolls her eyes, “Obviously, it’s crazy in here today.”

“It’s always crazy in here. World’s busiest Starbucks.”

“Guess so,” She sighs. “So what’s been up? I feel like I haven’t seen you in like weeks.”

I laugh, “Um, excuse me. You’ve been gone for god knows where for the past few weeks. Don’t peg this on me.”

“Hey now! I’ve been out of town… I’ve been busy.” She smiles widely and giggles a little.

“I know, I know.” You tease, “How’s the house hunt coming along?”

“It’s getting there. We’ve hardly looked mostly because we run out of time.”

“Where are you looking again?”

“I think we’re going to try to stay in the valley. It’s a nice place to live. Plus, it’s close to my parents and to you.”

I laugh easily, “Yes, that’s obviously most important.”

“I would like to get married next summer. I’m hoping we find something by then. I want to wait until we get settled in before we plan a wedding.”  

My best friend of almost twenty years is getting married and I could not be happier for her. For as long as I have known her, she’s never been so giddy about someone. I spent my early twenties trying to set her up with every guy in the book, all to no prevail. Now, seeing her with her fiancé, it’s like they have known each other their entire lives.

“Right around my birthday, I like this already.”

“I thought you would.” She smirks, “It will be small. I don’t really want a huge wedding.”  

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