Chapter 43

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Chapter Forty-Three


The smell of saltwater fills my nostrils, inflates me lungs, as I breathe in and out. It feels great to be in the ocean again. With the looming doctor’s appointment this afternoon, I decided to take the entire day off of work with the exception of coaching this afternoon. It had been a long week and I was absolutely exhausted. I woke up tossing and turning for the hundredth time this morning, unable to fall back asleep for the umpteenth time this week. I changed into my wetsuit and decided to head for the ocean instead.

The water feels colder than normal. I haven’t been surfing recently because of my demanding schedule. I always forget how much I miss it until I’m in the water again. I sit up on top of my board, catching my breath, looking out onto the shoreline. It’s eerily quiet, with only a few other surfers joining me this morning. Taylor comes home in a few hours and I’m looking forward to having a relaxing weekend with him.

I ride in a few more waves before growing tired yet again. My energy seems to be dwindling more quickly than it used it much to my demise. I swim back to the beach, checking my phone to see that I had been out longer than I had expected. The nauseous feeling in my stomach this morning has since disappeared and I feel better than I have in a while.

I swing by Taylor’s house out of habit, checking up to make sure everything is still in place. I make it back to my apartment and take a long shower. I’ve been in a weird mood all morning and I can’t seem to figure out why. I was hoping a dip in the ocean would extinguish any sort of off disposition that I had been feeling. After more coffee and food to appease my appetite, I begin to feel like myself again.

Before I know it, I hear a gentle knock on my door before it swings open. Gianna is standing in my doorway with a giddy grin adorning her sweet face. If I could take a picture so it could last forever, I would. It never gets old, seeing her expression, when I open the door and it warms my heart to no prevail. Especially considering the emotional week that I’ve been having, it’s relieving to see her.

“Are you ready?!” She asks, almost jumping and down in excitement.

“Yes, yes of course!”

She offers to drive and I gladly accept, crossing my fingers that Taylor will make it in time.

“Where’s Drew?”

“He’s down in San Diego to meet with the guys from All Together Separate.”

“I thought they decided to go their separate ways?” I ask referring to the mention of Drew’s old band.

“Well they did, but then Dex kind of threw around some new ideas throughout the group and it looks like they have an album of sorts coming together.” She explains.

“So are they back together?”

“It sounds like they are for now. Drew is down there to meet with them and decide if he wants to rejoin them.”

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