Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty-One

Taylor’s POV

The following day, after additional blood work and further examination, the doctor released Mags and Gianna from the hospital. He gave each of them specific instructions to lay low for the next few days until their energy returned. Those might be the hardest instructions you could ever give Mags. She is constantly active and I have a hard enough time getting her to sit still just to watch a movie. At least it’s Friday and she has the whole weekend to relax until she returns to school on Monday.

Drew and I joked that we should lock Gianna and Mags up in the same house, to keep each other company and to prevent them from doing anything. Now that I think about, it might not be a bad idea…

“T.... Tay…. Taylorrrrr.”

I snap out of my thoughts and turn my head to the sound of her voice. Mags and I are lying on my back patio, by the pool. The weather is still warm, shooting into the mid-eighties, the sun shinning bright without a cloud in the sky. I’m thankful that Mags had to ask off today, even if she had no choice. It’s nice to have a peaceful day.

She is lying on her stomach, resting her weight on her elbows, in nothing but a small bikini. My heart leaps to my throat, thinking about how many ways I could take that off. I know she was in the middle of telling my something, but her lack of clothing distracted me.

“Yeah?” I ask, redirecting my eyes to hers.

“Are you even listening to me?” She giggles.

“Yes…no…sorry. I was lost in thought.” I admit guiltily.

“Well, I asked if you guys are playing this weekend?”

“We might be playing tomorrow night, if not next weekend. I forget.”

I lay on my side, enjoying the view as she flips over onto her back, “I feel like I haven’t seen everybody in ages. We should have everyone over tonight.”

“We could.”

“You guys are going to be gone in a month, for god knows how long.” She explains, a hint of sadness in her voice. “Plus, it would be a great way to clear my mind.”

She gives me puppy dog eyes and of course, I cave. “Fine.”

“Yay!” She cheers.

“But,” I interrupt, silencing her cheers. “You can’t drink.”

She whips her head in my direction, her mouth falling open in fake shock, “Says who?”

“You heard the doctor.” I remark, unable to control my growing grin. “You need to rest.”

“I can rest and drink at the same time.” She sasses, sitting up on the lounge chair, further enhancing my landscape.

“Let’s be honest, you’re not a restful drinker.”

“Just because I’m going to drink doesn’t mean I’m going to get drunk.”  

I give her skeptical eyes, trying not to laugh, “Mags, don’t lie to me.”

She crosses her arms, trying her best to pout. I can see the concealed smile on her face and start to laugh. “Fine, fine. You can drink.” I play along. She cheers again, dancing a little in her seat.

“But,” I hold my finger up. “You owe me.”

Owe you?” She furrows her eyebrows. “I don’t owe you anything, Hawkins.” She is so sassy today.

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