Chapter 32

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Chapter Thirty-Two

1 ½ Week Later

The buzz of my alarm clock reminds me of a blow horn echoing throughout my bedroom. I’ve been awake for a few minutes already, rolling over to turning it off then lying back on my back, staring at the ceiling. It has been a week and 4 days exactly since Taylor left for tour.  I’ve been able to keep myself busy and preoccupied. I’ve thrown myself back into school, determined to be as productive as possible.

My sleep schedule has been a roller coaster. Some nights I’ll get only three or four hours of sleep. Then other nights, like last night, I passed out on the couch at seven o’clock, woke up at midnight then fell back asleep in my bed, sleeping until my alarm sounded. I’m not really sure why I can’t sleep. Recently I’ve attributed everything to the medications that I’m taking. Insomnia, I’ve decided, is bound to be a side effect.

 I roll over to my side where Taylor’s brown eyes are normally looking right back at me. But today, just like yesterday and the day before, he’s not there. I take a deep breath and sigh. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. I roll back over, fighting off tears. I curse myself for growing sad again. It’s come to the point where I hate crying. I try everything in my power to avoid it. I know Taylor will be back. I know that I’ll be fine. I just get so damn emotional.

Frustrated, I climb out of bed to take a shower and to get ready for the day. I have a full day of school, and then I have to rush to my doctor’s appointment with Gianna and Drew. We are meeting with the in-vitro fertilization specialists to determine when I will become pregnant. From the last meeting, they are expecting around Thanksgiving, which happens to be when the guys come back in town.

While I'm in the middle of straightening my hair, I hear the phone ring. I set down the straightener and quickly bolt out of my bathroom, in search of the noise. It rings a couple of times before I find it.

“Hello?” I answer breathless.

“MAGS!!” Dave screams into my ear. I hold my head away from the receiver, temporary deaf from his voice. “What did you do to everyone?!”

I laugh, sitting down on the edge of my bed. “What’s going on, Dave? What are you talking about?!”

Commotion fills the background and the line grows static before clearing up. I can hear his bellowing laugh, “Nothing really! We’ve been trying to call everyone. You’re the only one who has picked up. What’s the time there?!”

I chuckle glancing over at the clock; “It’s 6:10 in the morning.”

“Ah ha! That’s probably why Jordyn didn't pick up when I called her.”

“Most likely. What time is it there?” I ask, taking the phone with me into the bathroom. I hit speaker and sit it down on my counter so I could finish getting ready.

“3:10 in the afternoon.” He says matter-of-factly. “I can never get this damn time thing down.” I hear Taylor’s voice in the background growing louder. He seems to be asking Dave something. “T just came back, do you want to talk to him?”

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