Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

Cara and I continue to talk over many glasses of wine over mindless topics as the night starts to wind down.

“What did you do to your wrist?!” Cara exclaims examining my swollen limb.

“Taylor and I went skateboarding this morning and I took a spill.” I laugh nonchalantly, waving her off.

“It’s bright red and swollen! Are you sure don’t need any ice or anything? You might have sprained it.”

I shake my head, “Nah, it will go away in a couple of days.”

“Stop being so stubborn and at least let me get ice for you. You should get Laura to take a look at it.”

“Fine,” I surrender. She stands up immediately before I have time to change my mind, retrieving a bag of ice.

Fortunately, Laura is a trained nurse who can tell me if I need to go the doctor or not. Considering my sometimes erratic, on-the-go behavior, I have only broken one bone and that was arm when I was younger. There have been many close calls and I have sprained or twisted many ligaments along the way. When it comes to little things like this, I have a tendency to overlook them and wait for the pain and swelling to go away.

Cara gives me a bag of ice and we begin to make our way outside. The afternoon finally cooled off until a pleasant evening and we find everyone gathering around the fire pit. The band is the only guests left, mostly because they have no commitments tomorrow.

Jordyn is sitting in Dave’s lap, curled up in a ball, mimicking a small child. Her head is resting on his shoulder, her arm is wrapped around his waist, and her legs are hanging off the side of the chair. He’s running his fingers up and down her leg soothingly, which has caused her to drift in and out of sleep.

“Laura?” Cara asks. “Can you look at Mags’ wrist?”

Cara makes her way over to Chris who is sitting in a longue char inviting her to sit in his lap. She giggles quietly as he kisser her neck lovingly, before resting his chin on her shoulder. Nate and Laura are also seated in a longue chair. She is sitting in between in legs and he has his arms around her middle. She lifts her head when she hears her name called and her eyes are drawn to me.

“What did you do this time?” She jokes with a smile. “Come over here, you fool.”

“Yeah, what did you do?”  Nate perks up from behind her.

“We found skateboards in my garage this morning and decided to take them out.” Taylor answers for me. “I guess some of us are a little more skilled than others.”

“Ow, that’s rough. Are you going to let him get away with that Mags?” Dave asks knowing that it only fuels my fire.

“To hell if I do.” I snort, punching Taylor in the shoulder. He holds his shoulder in mock hurt and I stick my tongue out at him, letting him know that I am only kidding.  

Like a child that just found out they were in trouble, I trudge over to Laura and take a seat on the ground in front of her. I place my wrist on the chair and look up at her with puppy dog eyes. She snickers at the look I’m giving her, sitting up completely. She gently takes a hold of my appendage, examining it. Her face falls serious, which heightens my worry about what I thought was a “little” injury. Maybe it is worse than I originally thought.

She lets out a laugh, shaking her head, releasing my wrist, “Well, it’s definitely sprained, it might be broken but I’m not sure. I would probably have it looked at.”

I groan, standing up from my sitting position. “I’ll have to go in tomorrow.”

With my ice in hand, I sit down next to Taylor. He, very casually and nonchalantly, rests his arm on the back of my chair. I smile to myself at the gesture. For as much as we make fun of each other and give each other a hard time, he has always shown the upmost respect to me.

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