I Hate This Guy!

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After a bit of catching up, it was decided that you were to go with them back to JIDA HQ. That was what was said anyway...

All of you were currently camping outside of the walls.

"I guess that means that you don't have to stay up all night!" stated Ren excitedly. Much to your dismay, the others had heard him.

"You're not the only one who keeps watch, are you?" asked Shinya.

You've come to know the names of everyone that had come after you and your brother.

"Um, yes, actually. Seeing as Ren's too young." You stated. "Well! I guess that you get some very deserved rest now!" said Shinoa.

You just nodded. In truth, you weren't sure if you could trust them yet. So, you already decided that you were staying up. Even if you had to pretend to be asleep.

Though it seems, unbeknownst to you, Guren already knew about your idea. 

(Time Skip- later that night)

Everyone was asleep except for Guren, for he was keeping watch, and you.

"You should get some sleep." He said. Which about scared the living daylights out of you.

How did he know? You though to yourself.

You slowly sat up and looked literally anywhere but at him.

"I'm not kidding." he continued.

"Why does it matter to you?" You said. "I'll be leaving before tomorrow anyway..."  Crap! I just told him my plans! Why'd I do that!? You cursed yourself. The truth is, you were planning to leave before dawn. You knew that you were leaving Ren behind. But, he'd be fine. All he'd have to do was explain his unfortunate situation for why he has a demon like Matsuki in his dagger. 

You, on the other hand, would probably be thrown behind bars. What would you say? I acquired a black demon series weapon because I didn't have one and my little brother did? Then again.. I could just say I wanted to protect him.. NO! You thought. You already made up your mind. And once you make up your mind, you can be REALLY stubborn about it!

"What about your brother?" He asked.

You sighed. "He'll have Yuichiro here with him... It'll be safer. I can't go-!"

"And here I thought that you stayed up because you didn't trust us..." Interrupted Guren. "I tell you what." He continued, while standing up. "Fight me in a match, if you win, you can go."

"And if you win?" You asked cautiously.

"Then you'll go back with us, sit in my office, and tell me everything. Why you're here. How you acquired the black demon series weapons..."

You knew you had no choice but to except. "Fine." You said grudgingly.  

Guren walked up to Shinya's sleeping form and shook him awake. "Keep watch." said Guren. Shinya nodded his head in understanding.

This gave everything away to you. Guren had been planning this and told Shinya in advance. Man, I hate this  guy! You thought.

(Tiny time skip!)

Now, you were standing across from each other, weapons drawn.

I won't be able to win if I let him get too close. Close range will be the end of me! If I keep him away, I should be able to win. Your mind was racing with different strategies on how to win.

You shot at him once with one of your pistols, but he was able to block it with his own sword.

Crap, this'll be harder than I thought... 

You began to fire endlessly with both bullets now, round after round of bullets.

Guren was able to dodge many of them. And the ones that he couldn't dodge, he'd block with his sword.

Then, you managed to hit him a couple of times. But, much to your dismay, they were only minor injuries. 

And before you knew it, he was working his way closer.

Then, BAM!

He landed on top of you in a straddling position with his sword at your throat. You could feel a dark aura from his sword. Like a whole other person. Like Matsuki.

Oh, how I wanna knock the stupid smirk off this Idiot! I hate him! you thought to yourself.



Hey guys! sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've just been super-duper busy! I try to update as much as I can still! BTW my Wattpad is being stupid, so if the title says 'Untitled Part 4', it's because, well, my wattpad is stupid. I originally wanted this to be named 'I Hate This Guy' though!

Have a good day!

Matsuki - Seraph of the End Fanfiction- Guren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now