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You sat on a cold, stone floor. You have no idea how you got there. One moment, you were trying to get away from the vampire, Crowley, then, everything went black... and now you're here.

The place you were in was dark. You couldn't see anything. You squirmed around in discomfort. But, that only made you realize that your hands were cuffed behind your back.

But that also made you notice that the clothes you were wearing, were definitely not your JIDA uniform.

You instantly knew what you were wearing from the feeling of the fabric. You were wearing  the uniforms that the vampire's slaves wore.

You shuddered in disgust.

You couldn't see anything. You couldn't hear anything. But, you didn't want to just sit there.

You tried wriggling your chains a little bit more to see if you could get them off. But it was to no avail.

After a while, you could feel blood run down your hands from your wrists rubbing against the chains.

Well... this certainly sucks... to say the least. But I'm sure Guren has some sort of lead. Not that I want to wait until he gets here, it'd be nice if I could get out first... many many thoughts floated through your head. You couldn't decide. Should you wait for Guren, or should you try to get out on your own?

It took you a while, but you did eventually come to your decision. I can do this on my own! Who needs that stupid baka anyway!

You gathered your wills. The only way to get out of the chains, would be to pop your wrist out of its socket.... ouch. You knew it wasn't the best plan, but what else can you do?

You held your breath. You can do this, (Y/N). Make it quick. It'll hurt, but it'll be worth it.

Alright... three... two..........two and a half... c'mon, I'll just make it quick! Alright! GO!!

...................OUCH!!!! It hurts!!!!

You continued to have this battle inside of your head until you finally popped your wrist. It hurt, but you went through with it. Your hand slipped through the chains easily. And you were much quicker to pop your wrists back.

But, now that you were free, you instantly stood up and went to the nearest wall you could find. The stone wall stretched for several feet before you found the wall it connected to.

You traced around the walls, looking for a door. But, it took a while, and you found one.

You found the knob and got ready to twist it, when you noticed that the knob started moving.

Someone's coming.

You instantly backed up to the side of the door and watched as an unknown vampire wonders in. As soon as it got past the door, you whirled around and out the door, shutting it behind you. And locking it.

Talk about luck. You thought to yourself.

It was a little ways down the hall that you found yourself in, but you could see light. It looked like torchlight.

You quickly wondered to it. But that was when you noticed your situation.

What the... this place is a freaking labyrinth!

And that's when you came to the conclusion:

Maybe I should have waited for Guren to come after all...

Matsuki - Seraph of the End Fanfiction- Guren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now