The Other Guy

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It had been a few days since Guren had kissed you. And honestly, you haven't seen him since. Nor did you want to.

Even though you were new, you were instantly given a lot of duties.

Like today. Today you were put with some other people in their squad to fight some vampires.

Honestly, you were not excited. You just got there, and now, you already have to go back.

"(L/N)." said an unfamiliar voice. "My name's Ryuuto. You'll be with my squad today."

Ryuuto, you saw, was a tall man with brown hair. He wore the standard uniform though.

You saw four other people behind him. Two girls and two guys. All of them also had the standard uniform.

Ryuuto noticed you look at the people behind him and started to introduce you.

"The two girls that look alike are Sakura and Yuri. They're twins, so don't feel too bad if you get them mixed up." The twins looked a lot the same, actually. They both had white hair that was about to their waist, and blue eyes.

"The guy with the red hair over there is Kai. And the other one with the black hair is Shouta."

This is definitely going to be interesting. You thought.

(Time skip- Somewhere in the deserted city)

You were currently hiding behind a car, both of your guns ready. Sakura was with you... Or was it Yuri?

You were waiting for the signal to attack, for there was a noble and many other vampires on the other side of the car.

Then, an arrow shot down from one of the nearby buildings. The arrow looked to have purple fire blazing around it. This was Shouta's weapon. A bow and arrow, much like Yoichi's, but not the same.

The arrow nearly missed the noble, and hit another vampire instead. Killing it instantly.

That was the signal. You popped up from behind the car and began an open-fire on the vampires. 

You were better at long range attacks, so long range is where you shall remain.

Whichever twin was with you hopped out from behind the car with her weapon which was one of those JIDA advanced swords. While her sister had a shield and was with Shouta, should he be found and fired at.

Kai had a battle-ax type weapon and was currently distracting the noble while you and the others were eliminating the small-fries.

Then, while the noble was distracted, Ryuuto came from behind and lashed out at the noble.

The noble, however, dodged. 

You knew he was in trouble so you shot at the noble vampire to get his attention. This allowed Ryuuto to kill the noble.

The other vampires then fled.

"Job well done!" Said Kai.

"It's time to head back." Stated Ryuuto.

And with that, you all went back.

(Time skip- back at HQ)

 you are currently walking alone with Ryuuto since you're going back to your living quarters and he was going to report the mission.

"I've been thinking... you did some good work today.. So, maybe you would wanna... I don't know... become an official member of my squad?" asked Ryuuto.

It was kind of sudden. But you liked that squad.

"That sounds great!" You said excitedly.

"Great, i'll talk to the higher-ups." Said Ryuuto.

"(Y/N)!" You heard your name called and turned around. There, you saw Guren. He gave Ryuuto a nasty look before walking to you, taking your hand, and practically dragging you to your living quarters.

"Ugh, Guren! What's the matter? Will you let go?" You said.

Guren didn't answer you. But his grip got tighter.

"There's nothing going on between you and him, right?" He asked. 

This made your face flush. "What? um- uh-wai-uh-NO! Of course not!"  You shouted.

"Good." Guren whipped around and looked you in the eyes before continuing. "You're mine. You hear. Nobody's else's. Understood?"

This made you blush even more. But slowly, remembering the kiss, you nodded. 

You were Guren's, and he was yours. 

Matsuki - Seraph of the End Fanfiction- Guren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now