Making Enemies

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You had to go on yet another mission. Only, this time, it was just you and Ryuuto. Everyone else was already assigned to other things. 

Ryuuto had already requested to the higher-ups that you join his squad, but it had yet to be approved. (And Guren might make it impossible to join if ya know what I mean! *Wink Wonk*)

Basically, you just had to do the usual: Kill a noble and a few other vampires.

Which is exactly what you were currently doing. But something wasn't right. There were so many vampires. 

That's when another noble appeared. He was very muscular, and his hair was two different colors of red.

"Crowley, we should just go to the meeting, don't you think?" asked a female vampire with blonde hair.

"Right. I was just seeing who was causing so much trouble. But it's only two humans, they'll be dealt with soon enough." Answered the noble. His smirk never left his face.

He looked your way and you made eye contact. You could feel a shiver run down your spine. You quickly looked away, trying to find Ryuuto. He was currently separated from you, fighting other vampires.

Just by looking at this one vampire, you could tell that he was strong.

"Do you need something?" asked the red haired vampire you heard was called Crowley.

Was he talking to you? You could only feel fear. You knew better than to engage this vampire in battle. You started shaking. What do I do? What do I do? This thought kept repeating in your head.

Then a picture of Guren appeared in your mind. That's right! What would Guren do? You then switched your thoughts around.

"What is a noble as strong as yourself doing here?" You then asked.

"Just passing by. I must say, it can't be just you two humans causing this mess is it?" He asked.

You raised one of your guns and pointed it at him. "And what if it is?" You just asked a question that could make him attack, so you had your guard up.

"I really hope that you two are the only strong ones in your human army, it would be troublesome if everyone your army was this strong." In a second, he disappeared and reappeared right next to you. "I look forward to meeting you again. Maybe we could have a decent fight."

And with that, he and the other two vampires left. The other vampires left too.

Ryuuto ran up to you. "Are you alright, (Y/N)?" He asked urgently.

You were frozen scared.

Sure, Guren would do something like that, but he actually had the strength to back it up!!! You thought.

You shook your head before telling Ryuuto that you were alright.

"Okay, but, we should get back. We need to report this." Said Ryuuto.

You had just made an extremely dangerous enemy. And you were definitely not proud.



Hey guys! I'm sorry that this one was short! Something came up so I didn't have as much time to update. But I promise that i'll make the next chapter longer!! One again, sorry. I hope you're enjoying this series! Thanks for reading!

Cya later!

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