A While Later

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You had been at the JIDA HQ for about a week now.

And, you have been forced to join the army against your will, and it has JUST been made official.

By official, I mean, you just put on the uniform.

You hated it. Then again. You haven't worn a skirt in 6 years.

You heard a knock on your door. "Just a minute!" You shouted. But before you could open the door, Guren stepped in.

"Geez, don't just barge in!" You yelled at him.

From behind Guren stepped Ren. He had a school uniform on, for he was going to start school. They have really been getting along. You thought it was because of Matsuki and Mahiru. Though, you didn't tell Guren or anyone about Matsuki. And, you learned about Mahiru from Yuuichiro. 

"What're you two doing here?" You asked.

"Nothing much, just making sure you're not trying to escape through a window." Said Guren.

Ren crinkled his nose at your uniform. "I don't like you in a skirt." He said.

"I don't either." You stated.

Guren then put a hand around your waist and whispered in your ear. "Well, you're more than welcome to take it off..."

This caught you off guard, so you grabbed his hand and flipped him over.

But, when you looked down at him, he had a smirk on his face. He was joking.

This irritated you. So you turned and left. Leaving Guren on the ground. Ren was trying really hard to hide his laughter.


You kicked a rock off of the abandoned looking bridge. "Stupid Guren." You said aloud.

Sometimes, when you were angry, you would say things aloud. When nobody was around, of course.

"Why does he have to go and be a-"  

"Be a what?" You were interrupted by the absolute last person you wanted to see right now.

"What do you want?" You snapped back.

You were angry, couldn't he just leave you alone?

"Go away, Guren!" You shouted. But you didn't stop. You let it all out right there. You called him everything from jerk, to words that not even the darkest soul would udder.

During all of that, Guren just stood there, staring at you.

"Are you done yet?" He asked.

You didn't say anything, but just looked down at the ground.

 You didn't see, but heard him stepping closer.

He made you look at him by putting a hand under your chin. You looked at him in the eye. But you couldn't hold his gaze for long. You pulled away and looked at the ground again.

He lifted your head once more. Then, he kissed you.

You were in udder shock. You were afraid to kiss back. You were afraid of Mahiru. But Guren wouldn't pull away. And soon, your fear had left you as you melted into the kiss.

Neither of you wanted to pull away, but the lack of air made it so.

Then he looked into your eyes. Suddenly, all of your anger and hate had melted away.

"I've always liked you." He finally spoke, before he turned away and left.

You were left standing there like you had just witnessed something amazing.

It started getting dark so you headed back to your room.

As soon as you closed the door, you slid onto your bottom with your knees pulled up to your chest.

You put the back of your hand to your mouth, still in a daze. "Huh.... That was my first kiss." You said to yourself.

And with that. You got up from the floor and went to your bed. But, you couldn't fall asleep for your mind was racing.



Hey guys! So I just wanted to say that this story will be updated regularly on every Sunday now! And if I can't, then I will let you know when it will be updated! ~Cya~!


Matsuki - Seraph of the End Fanfiction- Guren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now