Part 2: Problematic

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"Are you sure you didn't just misplace Matsuki by accident?" you asked.

"Of course I am! I always keep the dagger under my pillow at night!" You smirked at Ren's words.

"Huh, my lil' bro grows up real fast," you say jokingly. "He's already sleeping with a weapon under his pillow..."

"(Y/N), it's not the time for jokes." Ren deadpanned.

"Come on. I'm sure it'll be fine!" you said reassuringly.

"What if she was taken?" asked Ren worriedly.

"Pfft, who would wanna take her? Matsuki has a worse attitude than me. She'd be a pain for anyone to deal with." 

"(Y/N). People can easily avoid that if they don't touch the dagger directly." Ren quickened his pace a little as he glanced in every direction. 

After a while, he stopped and sighed. "She's been turned into a demon, but she's still our friend. No demon can stop that."

This time it was your turn to sigh. "Alright, head back to your room and get some sleep. I've got better senses now anyways. I'll look for her a little more."

"You've matured a bit since you became... you know... It's actually kind of amazing that people haven't figured you out yet." Ren smiled before turning and walking back to his room.

You smiled back at him. "Oh, the powers of colorful contacts."


(Guren's POV)

"What the..." I find a sleeping (Y/N) slumped right outside by my office door. I couldn't help but think about all of the happenings that had transpired. It's been about a month since then...

Thank goodness I've been able to get a hold of some of the blood from the hospital. Although, I miss looking into the (E/C) (eye color) of her eyes. She uses colored contacts to hide the red, however it's just not the same.

I wouldn't ever tell her this, but I'm looking for possible ways to change her back. She would get mad and say it was too much of a hassle. She always does that when it comes to herself. (Y/N) thinks about others all of the time. She hides what's inside... I've decided that that's when I come in. I watch her back and stay beside her at the same time. It seems like the most logical option.

Damn... Shinya would call me soft if he could hear my thoughts...

You really do love her, don't you... 

Mahiru. What do you want?

I want you, Guren.

I'm... I'm sorry... Mahiru...

I figured you'd say that...

I like her now. I know what I just said doesn't seem fair...

She's a nice girl. Not to mention that she can actually physically stand in front of you... But her friend, the demon...


Right. What do you know of her?

I know that she was a slave with (Y/N) and that she became a demon to heal Ren...

What about (Y/N)'s black demon series? Itsumu and Otsamu?

I don't know anything of importance about them... What are you trying to say?

Just think about the facts, Guren. Matsuki instantly BECAME a demon. She also seemed to know a lot about Itsumu and Otsamu. It doesn't add up. Ask (Y/N) about her affiliation with Matsuki. How did they meet? Matsuki knows things and she's hiding them. I get this feeling about her...


A dangerous feeling.

With those words, Mahiru disappeared like she always does when she doesn't want to talk anymore. I couldn't help but agree that she had a point. With these thoughts in mind, I reach down and wake (Y/N).


(Back to Normal POV)

"That's a weird place to fall asleep." 

You awoke in a panic. "MATSUKI!" Guren seemed surprised.

"What's going on?" Guren seemed slightly distraught, "and why are you sleeping here?"

"Guren, it's Matsuki. She's-- She's been taken." Guren felt his stomach drop.

Guren put a hand on your shoulder. "(Y/N), tell me everything you know about her disappearance."

-----Small Time skip Until After You Have Explained-----

Guren and yourself were sitting in his office.

"So, after this, you concluded that she was taken?" asked Guren. 

You nodded.

"I'll tell the others. There's really not a lot we can do on our own at this point..." stated Guren.

It was quiet in the room as the atmosphere had darkened.--That is until there was a stomach growl.

You blushed in embarrassment. 

"I have blood in my desk from the hospital. We're really going to have to find an alternative though. People are getting suspicious about me taking blood from the hospital." Said Guren.

"Then we ration it for now." You stated.

"Really? Are you even capable of going on a diet?"

"You have no idea what I'm capable of." You said defensively.

"I'll just make Shinya get the blood... or..." Guren had an idea.

"No, Guren. We've already discussed this. I won't drink your blood." Guren had brought this up before, but you would always refuse. You hated the idea of causing Guren harm. Besides, you were the one who got captured. It's your fault that you're in the state that you're in.

"Then promise me this: If something happens and it becomes our only option, you will drink my blood. You will not starve yourself. You'll allow me to help." Said Guren.

"Guren, it won't come to that..." You know Guren means well, but you would never allow that to happen.


Yuuichiro ran into the office suddenly. 

"Wow, knock much?" asked Guren sarcastically.

"(Y/N)! Ren told me about Matsuki!" Yuuichiro was completely panicked and ignored Guren's sarcasm.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, Yuu. We'll get some people together and find Matsuki soon." You said this reassuringly, however, you weren't entirely that sure yourself.

"No, that's not it, (Y/N). It's Mikaela--" 

You were take aback from hearing a name you hadn't heard for a long time.

"Mika... Why would you bring him up?..." You felt discomfort, however, you weren't sure why.

Yuuichiro sighed before speaking. "(Y/N), I want you to take a deep breath before listening to what I'm about to say..."

"Yuuichiro...?" You asked confusedly.

"(Y/N)... Mika is alive. He's just like you. A vampire. We've known this for a long time, but you weren't told because it might bring you shock. A-Anyways, I think he might have something to do with this...." Yuu looked down. You couldn't decide what expression he was making. Was it shame?

You sat back, shocked. You muttered to yourself in amazement, "... So... H-He's alive... Mikaela is alive..." 

Matsuki - Seraph of the End Fanfiction- Guren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now