A Weird Day

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Harry POV

I walk into the tattoo parlor like any other day. I love my job.I love to see peoples faces when they get a new tattoo. What I don't love is when innocent people come in and they don't know what they want as a tattoo! It just pisses me off so much! Sorry off track a little there.

I wave to Victoria. "Hey Harry!" I smile. Vic and I met 3 years ago when the incindent happened and she helped me. "Who are my clients today?" "Niall Horan and L-Louis Tomlinson." I frowend. "You okay, Vic?" She jumped out of her chair. "My brother is coming for a tattoo! I haven't seen him in two years!" I rolled my eyes."Calm your tits, Vic." I turned around to see my little Sister Ella. "Hey I thought I told you to stop smoking!" I spat. She puffed a cloud at my face. "I don't care Harry and Vic?" "Yes?" She smirked. "Stop having a orgasm thinking about your bro." Vic rolled her eyes and went back to work. 

"Why are you so bitchy today?" She smiled. " 'cause I can be Harry" I rolled my eyes. "You used to be my little girl. I never thought you would change because of three years ago!" I saw her light green eyes turn dark.  "You fucking swore you would never talk about that! You liar!" I looked at her hurt. " I'm sorry that I just miss the old Ella who was supportive of me! Who would help me with my problems but now you aren't that girl anymore!" A tear ran down her cheek. "It's so hard Harry!" She began to sob and I wrapped my arms around her. "Shh I know. Sh I'm here." I was glad. Vic went away to talk with the boss. "I miss them so much!" I nodded and held her tighter. "I do too. Now go clean up. I'm gonna see what Liam is up to." She nodded weakly and walked slowy to the restroom.

I started to walk to Liams to see him tidying up. What the hell? He never cleans. Why now?


Hello fellow fangirls and fanboys! Hope you like the first chapter! Sorry if it sucked! I hopefully will have a new update on Friday or whenever I have time! Bye loves! :)

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