Victoria Tomlinson!

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Sandra POV

 I have to tell Vic about what all happened I know that Ella is lying! "VIC!" I yellled when I got to our flat. Damn where is she? "VIC!" She is fucking deaf! Oh I know! "VICTORIA ANN TOMLINSON!" She ran right out of her room.

"What the fuck, Sandra?" She asked. "I wanted to tell you about Ella." Vic's eyes widened. "SHE'S DEAD?!" I shook my head. "No she thinks she will though." Vic started to tear up. "SHE CAN'T DIE!" She screamed. She fell in my arms. I stroked her hair trying to soothe her like Andy did to me. "She won't." She stared up at me. "Promise?" I chuckled lightly it was Ella that acted like a child. "I promise." Vic smiled. "Great now what?" "We could hang with Niall?" Vic nodded. "I want to meet him!" " I think he is gay sweety."  "Damn" she mumbled. I walked out of the flat Vic in tow. 

~~~~Time Skip!~~~~

"NIALL!" I heard someone scream. I knocked on the door. Niall opened it. "Oh hey. Come on in." Vic walked in first to see a boy with black hair sitting on the love seat. They stared at each other. "Hey guys! Stop eye raping eachother!" Vic blushed and muttered something. While Niall was laughing his ass off. "Sorry. I'm Dylan Horan"  Vic shook his hand while blushing. I rolled my eyes this guy weirds me out in some way. " Hey I'm Vic." She smiled. Oh god fucking love fest. Vic looked at me confused. " Hey Niall can i talk to you for a sec?" He nodded. "Why the fuck is he making moves on her?" He shook his head "I don't know! The first girl he had here got horribly beat up." Wait? She got beat up.... Ella doesn't look like she got hurt from a crowd. Also she was hiding her arm the whole time..."What did she look like?"  He took a moment and said "Curly hair, cat eyes and wore black leather stuff alot." My eyes widen. " He hurt Ella!" He stepped back. "What? Dylan wouldn't do that?" I looked back and Vic was still blushing. " NO ONE HATED HER! WHO ELSE COULD THEN HIM!" I whispered. He looked at me.       "That was Ella?'' I nodded. " How do you know?" "He just feels like a bad guy." He nodded.  I look back and saw them kiss. I feel guiltiy but its her fault and Niall believes me. I sigh. "Vic lets go." She shook her head. " Fine I will go fucking alone!" I screamed. "Sandra calm down." Niall soothed. I shook my head and left I hate that Dylan kid.


HELLO FELLOW FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! How have ya been? Well sorry for the crappy chapter. Well will Dylan turn out like Sandra says or will he be the one? Find out next time in Ink!!! ~Jay

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