Karaoke Day! (part 1)

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Sandra POV

 "VIC!" I yelled through our shared flat. Victoria and I shared an apartment because we are like sisters we can't be apart. We wanted to also share the flat with Ella that's why there is a extra room down the hall. Harry is too protective over her and made her stay with him. Its a bit annoying but now I understand. The thoughts racing in my head of ella. I felt a tear slip. Her body was so frail looking with the bullet in her flesh. I shook my head. No!Good thoughts today!

"What? I just got dressed!" She walked out in a orange tank top that said 'Obey' and dark shorts and black converse. "You good now?" She nodded. "You ready for karaoke?" She smiled. "HOW COULDN'T I BE?!" I laughed. "C'mon crazy.'' She chuckled and we drove to Karaoke Hut. Vic and I ran to the back of the stage held in the dining hall area. The boys were there crowding around someone. Louis cried out on Harry and everyone was smiling at that. 

"Hey Idiots.'' A familiar voice called. I looked straight. ELLA! I ran and so did Vic to kneel and hugged Ella. "We were so scared" I whispered. Ella stroked both our heads. "Please don't leave us." Vic whispered after. She laughed "Did I ever leave you?" We shook our heads and stood up. 

"You guys are up first!" Zayn said. I shuddered. "Don't even remind me." Ella smiled. "You guys will be great! I promise." I hugged Ella one more time and so did Vic. "You ready?" Vic nodded. "Let's do this."  We saw Perrie calling the names on stage. "Sandra and Victoria." She smiled and covered her mouth. We walked out. Cheers signaled. I hugged Perrie while I sat on the stool. Take deep breaths. Just think of what Andy said when he gets nervous! The music started and Vic smiled at me. I smiled back

(A/N: Song on side play to get the song sung by them.)

I waited for boos on my part then cheers were heard. I smiled and headed off stage. Boys surrounded Vic and I. I flashed my wedding ring and got out of the crowd. I smiled when I saw Ed. Vic followed me. "Hey Eddie!" I exlaimed as I walked and sat at the table. 

"Don't call me that!" Ed whined. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around Vic protectivley as more guys looked at us. "So Ed why are you here?" He put his glasses on the bridge of his nose. A disguise of course. "I wanted to see you guys and have a suprise." I stared. "What is it?'' He shook his head. "I can't know?!" Vic and I pouted. "You have to wait." I sighed and got beers for us. 

"The next act is..."


HELLO FELLOW FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! I updated! I am so happy! Anyway Who is the next act and Will they get through their performance? Find out next time on INK! Bye for now! ~ Jay

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