The Aftermath

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Louis POV

My arm hurts its worth it since it matches Harry's ship tattoo. Its a compass! Then Niall got a ripped Ireland flag. All of us should go show Ella! I really just want to see her! The day that happened Vic and Sandra stayed at their flat until they had to do the tattoo orders. 

"Haz!" I whined out. Harry poked out of the kitchen where he was cooking breakfast. 

"Hm? What's wrong Louis?" Harry asked worriedly. "I'm fine first and second can we play 20 questions?" He nodded. Good this will let me know him better. Harry brought out the breakfast. Pancakes and Bacon! Yes! He knows how to please me! Wait that sounds weird. Wait why am I thinking that?! "Favorite color?" Harry chuckled. "Blue. Like your eyes." I blushed darkly. I grabbed a pillow and hid my face. "Aw! I'm only joking BooBear." My head shot up. "Vic told me! Blame her!" He laughed. I pouted. "Meanie. Anyway I like Green." He smirked. "My eyes?" I looked up to see him almost centimeters away from my face. I blushed again. I nodded sheepishly. Why couldn't I tease him?! "Hm? Favorite movie." I rolled my eyes. "Grease!" We said in unison. I laughed as well did Harry. I think we will get along great!

Dylan POV (Wha??)

GOD DAMNIT! I punched the closest thing to me. A vase. Glass shattered some getting into my skin. I heard footsteps coming in.

"Did you kill them?" I chuckled darkly. "I think I killed one of them." "Nice job mate." It was my the only girl I got along with. Jade. She said that her friends don't know about this. Well same here. I'm doing this for my family. "I killed the girl." Her eyes widened. "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HER?!" She yelled. "Shut up! Boss will hear you!" I spat. "Answer me!" A tear rolled down my cheek. "I did when we first met! Then I saw her friends and one is married to this really scary dude and the other i tried to rape!" I whispered. Jade looked at me with sadness in her eyes. "The assasins got to you first?" I nodded. She sighed. "Dylan. You just killed the girl you loved for 2 years! Do you not have a heart?!" She yelled and ran out of the trailer home. "JADE!" SHe turned around. "YOUR JUST LIKE MR.STYLES! COLD AND FUCKING EVIL!" My heart broke. "Jade..." "No don't talk to me. I don't want to hear it." Ii watched Jade walk away. I yelled her name but she didn't turn back. I sighed brokenly and walked into the trailer home. "Mr Styles?"

"Hello! Dylan! Nice to see you again! Are they dead now?" He asked excitedly. I walked over to the board of pictures he had of Harry and Ella. I picked up a red marker and put a big 'X' on Ella only. "She should be dead sir." He smiled. "My boy! Wonderful! This calls for celebration!" i laughed. "Get the beer? Sir?" He nodded. I smiled then I thought of Harry and Ella when I shot Ella. The pain Harry had when he had to chose people and when Ella smiled when she saw him go to Louis. I smile again when I see boss. I know my next victim.

I'm coming for you....Louis William Tomlinson. Your love for Harry shall end soon.


HELLO FELLOW FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! How are you all? I hope good! i love how this started cute then freaking deadly. I don't know! Anyway! Will Louis and Harry see Ella soon or Will Dylan be to fast? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON INK! ~Jay

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