Take care of Harry.

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Ella POV

    Everything hurts. Louis and Harry walked in the door together. I smiled weakly. They look cute together! "ELLA!" Harry ran next to me and kneeled down. I laughed at him. "Why are you laughing?" I shook my head. " Soon you won't have me and you keep panicing." He glared. "Don't say that!" He whispered. Sandra shook her head and kept texting Andy. I looked back at my mess of a brother. I guess she doesn't care. I will smile through the pain. I looked at Louis whom I met a while go he looked at Harry the whole time.

      I pointed at him. "You. Louis...come here." He nodded. Harry got up and sat next to Sandra and she started to pull him in her arms trying to soothe him.  "He needs to calm down doesn't he?" I whispered. Louis laughed. "I think he just loves you." I smiled. " You look like you love him." I whispered back. He blushed. "We just met!" "It could be love at first sight!" He shook his head. He wouldn't like me anyway, Ella." I chuckled. He would. "Louis can you keep a secret?" Louis nodded. "I didn't get hurt by the girls. I got in a fight with someone who was trying to kill me and Harry." His eyes widened. "Ella. You have to tell Harry." I shook my head. "I risked my life for him and he needs someone else for that."

"Who can do that?!" He whisper/yelled. I shook him. "YOU IDIOT!"  He blushed and nodded. "If he likes me like that."  "He will and please don't let me down. The doctors are making me go into surgery soon." "Why?" "I have a huge gash in my back from the man." He saw the fear in my eyes and hugged me. "Don't worry love I will take care of him." 

I smiled. "Thank you." I whispered geting tired. The doctor walked in." I am going to need Ella so if you will please leave." Harry's tears had dried up after a while and he hugged me then leaved. The rest had left as well. Then I fell into a deep sleep.


HELLO FELLOW FANGIRLS AND FANBOYS!!! How are you guys? Sorry this update took so long! Will Louis protect Harry and Will Harry find out what Ella is hiding? Find out next time!

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