Should I be scared?

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Ella POV 

I could hear sobbing when my eyes started to open. I stretched my right arm. What the hell? I tried to lift my left but it wouldn't "Ella?" I heard Harry call out. I look down at my arm. 

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY ARM?!" I screamed. Harry flinched and Louis wrapped his arms around him. i smiled. Its good knowing someone will take care of him. I looked back at my arm. At least its not my tattoo arm. I should be able to work now. "You lost it. They had to take it." Harry muttered. I nodded. He looked at me. "Are you okay, Ella?" I shook my head. ''What's wrong?"  He got out of the chair to be next to me. "I want to tattoo again." He nodded. "Zayn said you can come whenever." I smiled. "Can we go?" "Do you want to?" I nodded. Harry took my hand and helped me out of the bed. I sighed. Finally out of bed! Louis walked behind me so i wouldn't fall over due to balance. 

"WAIT!" A person yelled. It was a doctor holding something wrapped in cloth. "Here. Its your new arm." I thanked the man while he walked away. "Help?" Harry asked. "Please?" He nodded and connected it to the nub of an arm I had before. I wish the fingers moved. THEY DO! I stared at my new metal arm. 

"Do you like it?" Louis asked. I nodded happily. "Someone donated it to us. I didn't catch his name though. I frowned. "It's alright , Louis." He took my new arm while Harry took my real arm.

~~~Time Skip!~~~

Louis opened Ink's door for me while I walked in. I saw a girl in my place and gasped.  "PERRIE!" I yelled and ran to hug her. "Hi there , Ella! Are you okay?" I nodded and showed my new arm. She smiled with tears in her eyes. "ZAYN! GET IN HERE!" She yelled. Zayn came out gloomy as ever. "Zaynie poo! What's wrong?" I asked pouting. "Well my best friend who is like a sister is --- Wait.. ELLA!" He ran to me and hugged me and twirled me around. "Oh my god. I thought you were gone." I chuckled. "I'm still here. In one piece." He laughed. I miss all the happy times we had together. Sandra then walked in with Andy and it suprised me he was here. 

"Andy?" Andy and Sandra both looked up. Sandra started to tear up while Andy stared at my metal arm. "Hug, Bro?" He nodded and smiled. I always called Andy Bro after he married Sandra. Andy wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I missed you ,sis." I pulled away and smiled.  I nodded and looked at Sandra. "Whats Wrong?" She pointed to my arm. " I know awesome isn't it." She nodded then hugged me tight. "I am so sorry , Ella." 

Then Niall walked in with Victoria and Liam. Vic wasn't loud as usual. "VICKI!" I yelled knowing it got on her nerves. She looked up mad then her face softened. 

"Ella!" She ran towards me but stopped when she saw my arm. "W-what is it?" I laughed. "My new arm!" I exclaimed. Niall gasped and burried his face into Liams chest scared. "Niall?" I only know his name don't judge me!  Liam held his head. I smiled. They are so cute! 

"Ella he is scared." Liam spoke softly. "He never has seen anything like that." I nodded. "Sorry Niall." He smiled. "Its okay!" Wow he is a ball of sunshine! "Ella?" Vic asked. I hummed. " I missed you." I smiled at her soft voice. I wrapped my arms around her wasit while hers went to my neck. "I missed you too, Vic" I pulled away and saw a big happy family. Andy , Sandra and Harry were talking about the worst tattoos. Perrie , Zayn, and Louis were talking about the best rock songs now. While Niall,Vic , and Liam were talking about food they just had.  I hope that boy doesn't target us again. Then I will be gone. He almost killed me. What could he do to the others?

Should I be scared?


HELLO FELLOW FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! How are you guys? Good I hope. Anyways I finally updated! Will Ella get used to her new arm and Will that mystery boy get to her first? Find out next time on Ink! ~Jay

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