The Fight

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Ella POV

Dammnit! I should have known he would find us! 

"Hurry your asses up!" I yelled. Andy stared at the alley. Vic was under a boy older tha her trying to touch her.  Then someone on top of a building dropped down. 

"Hands off. Pedophile."  The figure spat.  Dylan turned. "Listen to yourself, Ed. We could kill this girl together." Vic cowered in the corner. "Louis and Niall, take the girls on the building!" Louis was about to retort but I stopped him. "Now." They nodded and ran up the stairs. I took my jacket to show my metal arm. I sighed and picked a pipe that was next to me. "Let's go guys." I ran towards 'Ed' and Dylan but 8 guys jumped infront.

"Where are you going, sweetheart?" One asked. I held the pipe and striked him in the back while the guys lunged at two each.  "Is that all you got, sweetheart?"  I glared and flipped him. "SHUT UP! I ain't any ones sweetheart!" The Ed guy was craddleing Vic in his arms while she cried. Where is Dylan? then I felt a sharp pain in my metal arm. I lunged forward away from the pain. Dylan.  "I thought you were dead, Ella?" The guys finished the others. Harry looked up at him. "What do you mean?" I stared at the ground not moving. "Well your father payed me to kill you and your sister and she survived." I started to sob. "Shut up!" Dylan then kicked me onto the ground. I shut up and tried to crawl to Vic and Ed but I stopped.

"Harry she lied to you." Harry stared at me sadly. I saw Louis up on the roof mouthing something. I couldn't see and he sensed that. "And so did that boy Louis. He knew all along but hid in his dorm depressed about not telling you." Louis squeaked. Dylan smirked evily. "Don't you dare." I said weakly. Seeing he was getting something out of his pocket. It was a gun. Dylan shot my arm. I didn't know which one and then I heard a shot towards the ledge where Louis was. The last thing I saw was Louis dangling from the roof and Harry screaming and running for him.


HELLO FELLOW FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! How have you guys been? Sorry I haven't updated it's almost the end of school. That means more updates! Anyways! Will Harry be mad at Louis & Ella and Will Ella even be alive to be scolded? Find out next time on INK! ~Jay

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